Chapter 9- Schlatt

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He wielded his sword and corrected his footing, the way he had been taught by his sort of Father in Law, Bad. Brandishing the blade before him, he advanced towards the rustling bushes. Q picked a pebble from the forest floor throwing it to the left of him to create a distraction. The bush stopped moving and he raised the weapon to the side of his face. His feet lightly scraped the damp floor. He swung his sword across the top of the bush, slicing the top layer off revealing a small Rabbit nesting below. He let out a sigh returning the weapon back to its holster. Quackity always comes to the forest when he's confused or conflicted. It's quiet, no chances of interruptions and it's very far away from Las Nevadas where his significant problems lie. Quackity sunk to his knees feeling the cold moisture seep through his pants. He lay the sword beside him looking out through the bushes. Another rustle came from beside him but he didn't bother to look, 'probably just another rabbit' he thought to himself. He groaned, placing his head in his hands. "Now what's got you in a funny mood, hmm?" a thick english accent asked from the left of him. He spun to see a man draped in a bright red cape. The man had a mushroom patterned hat on his head and a bright blue top. Q stared at the man. "George?" He asked, confusion twisting his facial expressions. "Not the George you know, but Yes I am George" The man had pale skin that shone as the sunlight hit it. Small bags under his eyes were the only thing ruining his gorgeous complexion. The man knelt down in front of Quackity. "You're DreamXD's lover" Quackity whispered, taking in the beautiful being. GeorgeXD grinned, sweeping the dirt from Quackity's forehead. "You're the opposite of him" Quackity stated studying the small scar on GeorgeXD's neck. "Of who?" GeorgeXD purred, starting to tie Quackitys tie for him. "The George I know" GeorgeXD let out a soft giggle. "We're more alike than you think" GeorgeXD murmured. "How'd you get that scar?" Quackity motioned to the one on GeorgeXD's neck. "George" GeorgeXD mumbled still at work with Quackity's tie. "Too tight?" He asked doing it up a little tighter. "Perfect" Quackity said, still studying GeorgeXD's face. "George will come to see you soon. He needs your help. I know I shouldn't be saying this but I have heard from my lover that if you turn him down. You will suffer great consequences" GeorgeXD spluttered. Before Quackity could respond GeorgeXD turned to dust. Quackity waved at the dust which clouded his vision. The only thing keeping him from believing he had dreamt that was his perfectly tied tie. Quackity stood picking his weapon from the moss below him. He walked slowly recounting his steps back to Las Nevadas.

The sun had sunk and the country beamed with light. He walked slowly in between the hotel and the casino. He had word from Foolish that Slime had returned from his ventures. He scoured the highs and lows of the city all afternoon but had not found the slimy little man. Suddenly he was pushed up against the hotel wall. He doubled over slightly, winded by the impact. He gazed down at his attackers shoes. "Fuck you" he stuttered out. "Well that's not a very kind greeting" The voice remarked, "Oh and winding me was?" Quackity cried, regaining his balance and standing up to face Wilbur. "I've missed you" Wilbur breathed into his air. "Get fucked" Quackity groaned pushing him away. "Only if it's by you" Wilbur grinned. "What is this? Middle School?" Quackity sighed walking away with the intention of going home. "You flirted like that in middle school?" Wilbur shot with concern lacing his voice. "Always knew you were a dirty bastard," Wilbur hummed. Quackity shook his head wishing Wilbur's death would come fast. After realising this had not struck the nerve Wilbur had wanted it too he chased after the short boy. "Come on Q, Where's the man I met in EL Rapids? Huh? Where is he? Where's the man who knew how to have-" Wilbur cut himself off staring at the boy who had stopped short in his tracks. "Fun?" Quackity spat. Wilbur placed his hands on Quackity's waist, spinning him around to face him. "Where did he go?" Wilbur whispered. "He died with Schlatt," Quackity snarled.

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