The Dark Side of Hope-Gundham Tanaka x Reader

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You awoke to Monokuma's morning announcement still feeling exhausted. Teruteru's trial yesterday had completely worn you out.

"Good morning, my love."

A tired voice gained your attention, and you turned your head to see Gundham Tanaka, your boyfriend of about a year laying beside you. You smiled softly at him and kissed his forehead. "Good morning, Gundham."

"Are you still feeling unwell from the ordeal of last night?" He questioned you as he sat up, his hair ruffled from his night's sleep and not in it's usual style. You giggled to yourself at that. You always thought he looked adorable with it down, and even cuter when he just woke up.

You nodded to his question. "The whole thing with Teruteru was so...sad. He wanted to help us and Nagito...." Gundham pulled you into his chest, and you smiled gratefully at him as you continued. "And...and he just wanted to know if his mom and diner were alright. It's all just so...terrible."

"I know my dearest Fallen Angel." The breeder said softly. "Nothing of our situation is fair in the slightest." He gently tilted your head up to meet his eyes. "But at least we have each other, yes?"

You nodded happily. "Yeah. I don't know how I could handle this if I didn't have you."

"I understand. I, too, feel that way." Gundham smiled gently and kissed your lips. "Thankfully we are not alone, nor will we ever be."

You smiled warmly at that, before reluctantly pulling away. "We should probably make our way to the restaurant." You said, standing from the bed.

Your lover sighed as he followed suit. "Yes, you are right. It would do no good to worry the mortals with our absence."

You nodded. "Thank you for letting me stay in your cottage, Gundham." You thanked him. "I really didn't feel like being alone."

"It is of no problem, my dark queen." Gundham assured you with a smile. "I will do whatever I can to comfort you and keep you safe."

Your chest fluttered when he said that. "You're so sweet, my lord." You replied, giggling softly when you saw him blush lightly. "I'm heading to my cottage to get ready. I'll see you soon." With a final goodbye, you left his room.

"Ah, so you were with Gundham."

You jumped at the unexpected voice. You turned to see Nagito standing before you. You felt a wave of unease as you remembered his performance in the trial the previous night. "Y-yes, I was." You confirmed. "Is that a problem?"

Nagito quickly shook his head, holding his hands up. "Oh, no no no! It's not a problem at all! Quite the opposite in fact! I think it's wonderful you and Gundham have each other to rely on. You're quite fortunate to know each other prior to coming here."

You furrowed you brow, not quite sure what Nagito was getting at. "Yeah...We were both really excited when we realized we were both accepted into Hope's Peak."

"And now you have each other to rely on for your hope!" The lucky student hugged himself, and the crazed look in his eyes returned. "How lucky."

You began slowly walking past him. "Right..." You muttered, deciding to ignore him. But what he said next stopped you in your tracks.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2022 ⏰

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