Not Yours-Mondo Oowada x Reader

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Requested by an Anonymous on Tumblr

Trigger Warning: Attempted Sexual Assault

You paced your apartment, chewing worriedly on your nails. You glanced at the clock for what seemed like the hundredth time. It was nearly past midnight. "Where is he?" You muttered to yourself. "He should be home by now."

Terrible thoughts began crossing your mind as you imagined what could have happened to your boyfriend, Mondo Oowada. He was the Ultimate Biker Gang Leader, so danger wasn't new to him. But he usually wasn't out this late. At least not without telling you.

Just as you were about to call him, you heard the door knob turn. Your gaze shot over to the door and waited anxiously as it opened. You let out a relieved breath as you saw Mondo. You ran over to him and hugged him. "Mondo! You're ok!" You exclaimed.

He chuckled and hugged you back. "Of course I'm alright, baby." He assured you.

You pulled away after a moment and glared at him. "What do you mean, 'Of course I'm alright'? You were gone for hours longer than normal! And you didnt text me! I thought something had happened to you!"

Mondo chuckled awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck. "Oh, right. Sorry, Y/N. We were staking out the rival gang. We think they're making a move on our terf."

You crossed your arms. "And you couldn't send me a quick text to let me know?! I thought you were dead!"

Mondo rolled his eyes. "Babe, nothing can hurt me, let alone kill me. I'm fine, aren't I?" He walked past you, shrugging his jacket off and throwing it onto the couch.

You clenched your fists and went after him. "Don't just walk away from me, dickhead!" You exclaimed. "You aren't fucking invincible! You might be fine now, but what if next time you aren't? Imagine what that'll do to me!"

"That won't happen, Y/N." The gang leader said bluntly, standing beside the couch with his arms crossed. "I'd never let it."

You groaned in annoyance. "You can't control everything, Mondo! Some things are out of your control!"

"And they're in yours?!" He snapped, spinning around to glare at you. "What fucking use would texting you do?! So you'll know where to find my God damn corpse?! Jesus, Y/N, just fucking drop it! Even if I do get killed out there, there's nothing you can do about it, so just get over it!"

Your eyes widened, and you stared at him for a while as tears filled your eyes. "Get...get over it?" You whispered. "How would I be able to just...get over it if you died? Would you be able to get over it if I was killed? ...Do you care about me that little?" The tears began to fall faster.

Mondo's angry face softened. "Ah, shit. Y/N...I-I didn't mean-" He reached a hand out towards you, but you turned around and ran out of the apartment, your boyfriend calling your name as you did.

You ran a good distance from the apartment building before you leaned against a wall and began crying into your hands. You stayed that way for a long time.

Eventually you had calmed down enough and you thought about the situation again with a clearer head. You loved Mondo so much. You were always worried for his safety whenever he went out. The fact that he didn't worry angered you. What if he got reckless, and got himself hurt? Or worse? He was the Ultimate Biker Gang Leader, so you knew he was a professional at this sort of thing, but still. With his hotheadedness he could easily get into a situation he couldn't get out of.

On the other hand, maybe you shouldn't have said what you did. You knew he cared about you, and if you died he would most likely blame himself for it like he did with his brother. And he did have a point. You wouldn't be able to do anything in time even if he did text you. You just wanted to make sure he was alright, but maybe you were a bit too overbearing about it.

Danganronpa x Reader Boyfriend One Shots(Requests Closed, Commissions Opened)Where stories live. Discover now