Unhand Her-Gundham Tanaka x Reader

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Another trial comes to an end as the tired survivors make their way to their respective cottages. No one said much as everyone shuffled along. With the loss of Mikan, Ibuki and Hiyoko, even the return of Nekomaru couldn't bring up their spirits. You closed and locked your door with a sigh as you made your way to your bed.

"Knock knock knock."

You sighed in annoyance as a knock at your door prevented you from falling asleep. With a grunt, you made your way to the door and opened it slightly. "Ye- Gundham!" Your tired expression was replaced by one of surprise as the one behind your door was none other than your boyfriend, Gundham Tanaka.

"I apologize for disturbing you after such a tiring night, My Lady." The Ultimate Breeder apologized. "I am aware that even powerful beings such as yourself require time to recharge. However, if you have a moment..." He trailed off, and the look in his eyes told you something was wrong.

"Of course, Gundham." You stood to the side and allowed him to enter.

"Thank you, Lady of Darkness." He gave you a small smile as he closed the door behind him. "I would never dare to bother you over a trivial matter."

"I know, Gundham." You assured him, sitting on your bed and patting the spot beside you. He took the seat, and it was only then that you noticed his eyes were red and puffy. "Gundham...have you been crying?" You asked softly.

You expected his normal response. "A dark lord such as myself would never weep!" But what you got instead was a simple nod. "The latest trial awakened something inside me. It made me come to the realization that...I could have lost you." He turned his head away, attempting to hide his tears with his scarf. "You had also been struck with the dreadful curse Mikan and Ibuki had contracted. You were also in the hospital recovering. It could have easily been you Mikan decided to strike down." 

You watched with wide eyes as Gundham began to tremble. You reached a hand out and gently cupped his cheek. As you did, he latched onto your hand tightly with both hands, nuzzling against it. You felt your heart shatter. "Gundham...I'm alright. I'm right here." You attempted to assure him.

"Yes. I...I am aware of this blessing, my love." His voice shook as he spoke. "But that doesn't change the fact that it could have been your murder we were solving. I could have lost you. I-" His voice cracked, and you felt wet tears hit your hand still clutched to his cheek as they fell. Without warning Gundham grabbed you and pulled you into his chest, his arms wrapped tightly around your middle. "I could not bare that pain, Y/N. I have finally found the one being worth being in my company. If I were to lose you just as quickly..." He didn't finish his sentence. He didn't need to.

You placed your arms around his neck and held him close. You felt tears begin to pour down your own cheeks. "G-Gundham..." Your voice cracked. "I will never leave you, a-alright?"

He pulled you away just enough to look into your eyes. "You cannot promise that, Y/N." He said sadly. "While I do not doubt your ability to protect yourself, there is always the possibility that some lowly creature would attempt to take away your life." His hands gripped the back of your shirt tightly. "I love you, my dark lady."

Your eyes widened. The two of you had been dating for a while now, but this was the first time either of you had said 'I love you.'

"Forgive me if it is too soon." Gundham began. "But it is the truth. The very thought of being without you hurts my soul more than I can describe." He brought one of his hands forward and gently grabbed your chin, making you look him in his tear stained eyes. "I love you."

You looked up at him before leaning forward and pressing your lips against his. He was only still for a moment before gaining his bearings and returning the kiss with passion. You reached up into his hair as the two of you continued the passionate exchange. It wasn't until you needed to breath that you finally pulled away, resting your forehead against Gundham's. You smiled at him.

Danganronpa x Reader Boyfriend One Shots(Requests Closed, Commissions Opened)Where stories live. Discover now