Repair It-Kazuichi x Sonia x Gundham

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A/N: Yo, so another character x character. This idea also came from a video I saw on Tiktok. I usually don't do polyamorous relationships (I don't have anything against them at all, I just can't write them all that well) but I decided to give it a shot. Anyway, enjoy!

If you had told Kazuichi Souda at the beginning of this absurd killing game that he was going to be in a relationship with the beautiful Sonia Nevermind, he would have told you "Only in my dreams."

If you had told him that he'd be in a relationship with Gundham Tanaka, he would have thrown up all over you.

Yet here he was, in Gundham's cottage, sandwiched in between his now girlfriend and boyfriend. He looked between the two, seeing Sonia's happy smile as her sleeping head rested on Kaz's shoulder. He turned his head to look at Gundham, who's eyes were still open. The Ultimate Breeder smiled at the pinkette and reached his hand out to run his fingers through his hair.

"Having trouble sleeping, my love?" He asked the mechanic quietly.

Souda returned the smile and shook his head. "No, it's not that." He replied. "I'm just..." He sighed. "I still can't believe this is real."

Gundham furrowed his brow. "You cannot believe what is real, my pink prince of darkness?"

"This." Kaz told him, gesturing with his head to the people on either side of the pink eyed boy. "Me. Being with you." He turned his head to look at Sonia. He sighed, a smile on his face. "And her." He looked back at the bi-colored eyed man. "I mean, when we first got on this island I hated your guts. I thought you were annoying, arrogant, loud, attention seeking, ignorant-"

Kazuichi was silenced by Gundham tugging lightly on the mechanic's hair. "Your point has been made, my precious imp." He growled softly into his partner's ear.

Souda chuckled before letting out a loving sigh. "But now..." He placed a kiss on Gundham's lips. "I've never been happier in my life. Even in this stupid killing game."

"I am glad to hear it, Kazuichi." Sonia's sleepy voice was heard from behind Souda. He turned his head to see his girlfriend rubbing her eyes.

"Sonia!" Kazuichi exclaimed. "I'm so sorry, did I wake you up?"

Sonia shook her head. "No, do not worry." She assured him, leaning up to give the pink haired boy a kiss on the cheek. "I am so happy as well to have the both of you."

Kaz smiled contently as he reached for both of his lovers' hands. He really couldn't believe how lucky he was. He never thought he would ever find one partner, let alone two loving and supportive ones.

"Man, why is Miss Sonia so interested in that stupid jerk Gundham?" Kazuichi thought irritability as he watched the two build a sand castle for Gundham's hamsters. "He's not that great." He kicked some sand around as he grumbled to himself. "You know what? I'm just gonna go over there and impress Miss Sonia! Yeah! That's what I'll do!" Confident in his plan, the mechanic made his way over to the two making sand castles.

"Should we make separate rooms for each of the Devas?" Sonia asked Gundham as she shaped  the sand.

"Of course!" The Dark Lord boomed, his Devas poking and inspecting their soon to be new home. "Each of my Devas requires their own special ritual to recharge their dark energy!"

Kaz rolled his eyes as he stopped beside the sand castle. The two making it looked up at him. Souda looked over to Sonia and smiled at her brightly. "Hiya, Miss Sonia!" He greeted the princess. "Whatcha up to?"

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