Reason to Survive-Ryoma Hoshi x Reader

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"Spying on people is pretty uncool, you know?"

You jumped as Ryoma Hoshi, your best friend and secret crush turned his head towards where you were standing. You smiled nervously as you made your way from the doorway. "Sorry, Shortstack." You apologized as you made your way into Ryoma's lab.

Ryoma narrowed his eyes at the nickname. "Thought I told you to stop calling me that." He huffed.

"Thought you quit tennis." You rebutted, gesturing to the tennis racket in the man's hand. You tilted to the side and glanced at the tennis ball machine that was still spitting out balls. You looked to your friend with a smirk. "Knew you still liked it."

Ryoma scoffed and rolled his eyes. He made his way over to the tennis ball machine and shut it off. He placed the racket he was holding on a table. "'Course I still like it." He mumbled, chewing on the candy cig in his mouth. "I've been doing it for as long as I can remember. I just needed to get it out of my system is all."

You frowned. "Well that's too bad." You sighed.

Ryoma glanced at you, raising an eyebrow. "Why? Liked what you saw?"

You felt yourself blush at the comment. You were sure Ryoma meant something innocent, like you enjoying watching him play. And while you did enjoy that, you liked something else you saw, too. 

Ryoma noticed your blush and smirked. "I'll take that as a yes." Without another word, he grabbed the tennis racket again and tossed it towards you. You fumbled with catching it, surprised, before holding it in your hand. You raised an eyebrow questioningly as the short man grabbed a racket for himself. "Thought we could play a round." He told you, grabbing a tennis ball off the floor and throwing it into the air a few times.

Your eyes widened as Ryoma slowly walked to the center of his side of the court. "W-wait, Ryoma!" You stammered. "I'm the Ultimate Baker. I don't know anything about tennis!"

"Then I'll teach you." The man shrugged. "Hit the ball." You didn't have a chance to respond before the Ultimate Tennis Pro threw the ball into the air and hit it with his racket. You let out a frightened squeak as the object hurtled towards you. You instinctively raised the racket to protect your face. You heard a dull thud as the ball connected to the racket and fell to the floor. You glanced over to Ryoma and noticed he was chuckling. "Well you're supposed to hit it back to me." He teased. "But I guess that's a start."

You frowned at him. "Warn me before chucking an object at my skull next time, Shortstack!" You exclaimed. "What if it had hit me?! It could've killed me!"

Ryoma rolled his eyes. "Relax. If I had meant to hit you that hard you'd be dead already." You bit your lip as you remembered that Ryoma had indeed killed people before using his talent. The man noticed your reaction and sighed. "Took you long enough." He muttered. "I've told you countless times before you shouldn't hang around me. I'm surprised it took this long for you to get it." He waved his hand towards the door. "You can leave, if you want."

You shook your head. "Ryoma, stop that." You scolded him. "Yeah, you've killed people. But you know who those people were? Bad people. You shouldn't put yourself down for killing mafia members."

"Bad people or no, I still took a life, Y/N." He countered. "Doesn't matter if they were in the mafia or in the church. I stole lives." He turned his back to you and stuffed his free hand in his pocket. "It makes me just as bad as them. I'm no better-" 

Ryoma was cut off by a soft object pelting him in the back of the head. Rubbing the spot that had been struck, he turned around to see you glaring at him, your hands tightly gripping the tennis racket. "Shut up, Hoshi." You hissed. "Don't you ever say that about yourself again, you hear me?" The small man opened his mouth to respond, but you spoke first. "Yeah, you took lives. But so had they. They took the lives of your family. And honestly, probably more than just your family. You took care of a problem. Yes, a life is a life. But that life that was took was only taking away more lives. You're a hero, Ryoma."

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