Tender Care-Mondo Oowada x Reader

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Requested by ThePoeticSoulSurfer on Tumblr!

You hummed to yourself as you prepared dinner for you and your boyfriend, Mondo Oowada. You smiled as you chopped the vegetables for the stew you were making, thinking about how lucky you were to have him as your boyfriend. He was so protective of you, and though others thought he was intimidating and tough, he was so soft and kind around you. He was actually so sweet, but that was a side only you got to see, and you had to admit you kind of liked it that way. It made you feel special.

You were starting to get a bit worried. Mondo usually got home about an hour ago, and if he's ever running late he always calls you. You knew he was capable of taking care of himself. He's not the Ultimate Biker Gang Leader for no reason. But you still couldn't help but feel a bit of concern.


You jumped at the sound of something colliding into your front door. You turned to the source of the sound and slowly made your way there. You stopped in front of it when you heard the sound of someone fumbling with the doorknob. You swallowed nervously as you crept closer and looked through the peephole. You breathed a sigh of relief when you saw Mondo, but your face quickly contorted into worry when you noticed him holding his side. You flung the door open, causing your boyfriend to stumble forward. You rushed forward to grab him, stabilizing him enough to keep him standing.

"Mondo!" You cried, and started to lead him to the couch. Your boyfriend had his arm around your shoulders as you gently gripped his sides, trying your best to hold the much stronger and heavier man up. You reached the couch and carefully sat the biker down, Mondo letting out a quiet curse as he did so. You sat beside him and looked him up and down. He had a black eye, and was bruised everywhere on his body. His jacket had multiple tears in it, and you saw blood on his face, as well on his hands. But what concerned you the most was the large red stain seeping through Mondo's white undershirt. Your worried eyes shot up to Mondo's face. "Mondo, what happened?!"

"Rival gang...came outta nowhere." He grunted out as he turned to look at you. "They got the jump on us and...well..." You felt tears begin to form in your eyes as your worry increased. Mondo noticed and cursed under his breath. "Shit. Babe, please don't cry. I-I'm ok. Really." He forced a smile and reached a hand out to cup your face. He brought you closer to his own, placing a light kiss on your lips. "You know I hate seeing you cry."

You pulled away from him, the tears continuing to form. "But look at you!" You whimpered. "You look terrible!" You stood from the couch and began heading quickly to the bathroom. "Let me go get the first aid kit!"

Mondo held a hand out to try to stop you, but winced when he reached too far and hurt his shoulder. "Motherfucker." He sighed and leaned back on the couch. Man, he hated worrying you. You already worried enough about him being in a gang, so him coming back looking like this must have you on the verge of a panic attack. He had considered staying over at one of his gang members' places so he could rest up a bit before coming home, but he knew you'd just worry about why he didn't come back. He shook his head as he glanced in the direction you had gone. "Fuck, I don't deserve that girl." He muttered to himself. 

"I got it!" You called as you ran back into the living room holding a red box. You sat beside your boyfriend as you placed the kit to the side and opened it. Before you took anything from it, you looked Mondo up and down. "You...you may have to take your shirt off."

Mondo grimaced. "Shit, I was hoping you wouldn't ask that." He sighed as he carefully shrugged off his jacket. He grabbed the bottom of his shirt and started to lift it, before cursing loudly in pain and gripping his shoulder.

"Mondo!" You exclaimed, your eyes widening.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." The biker insisted through gritted teeth. "One of those bastards got a few good swings in on my shoulder."

Danganronpa x Reader Boyfriend One Shots(Requests Closed, Commissions Opened)Where stories live. Discover now