Justified-Gundham Tanaka x Reader

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Requested by an Anonymous on Tumblr

The first trial had ended, and the perverted TeruTeru was executed. You hadn't had a great opinion of him before, but you had to say he had earned your respect. You felt sorry for the boy. He deserved better.

"My lady?"

You blinked as your boyfriend Gundham called out to you. You turned over to him. "Yes, Gundham?"

"Are you alright? You are going to return to the surface world with us, correct?" He asked, walking over to you.

It was then you realized you had been staring at the screen you were forced to watch TeruTeru's death on. "...Yeah. I am." You replied, turning from the screen and looking to Gundham. He had his bandaged hand outstretched, so you took it.

As the two of you walked to the elevator, your boyfriend glanced at you. "Was the brutality of the mortal's death too much for you, my Dark Queen?"

You slowly shook your head. "No...it's not that..." You muttered. "I mean, it was awful. But I more felt bad for TeruTeru."

Gundham raised a brow. "You felt bad for him? He had committed the atrocity of stealing a mortal life. Of course, the monochrome bear's punishment is much too far, but he had taken Byakuya's life sooner than he was meant to leave this mortal coil."

You frowned. "But you know he didn't mean to kill Byakuya." You reminded him as you boarded the elevator. "He meant to kill Nagito, who was going to kill someone. And he set TeruTeru up!"

"Does it matter who the victim of his onslaught was?" The breeder countered. "Let us assume TeruTeru's plan had indeed worked and he killed Nagito. We would still have had to investigate and solve the murder." He leaned against the elevator wall. "It does not matter who concocted the original plan, nor whom was killed."

"But he did it to protect us!" You argued, looking at your partner from the opposite wall. "Nagito is obviously crazy. If he had died, we wouldn't have to worry about him, as awful as that sounds."

Gundham narrowed his eyes and met your own. "Then why is it he did not come forward?" He retorted. "If he truly wished to protect us all, then he would turn himself in, would he not?"

"He was scared!" You exclaimed. "Anyone would be in that situation! And you heard him, he wanted to check on his mother and his diner. Sure, it's a selfish reason, but can you really blame him?"

The elevator came to a stop, and Gundham pushed himself off the wall, walking towards the exit. "Perhaps it best if we part ways and rest for the night." He suggested. "We will most likely be on better terms after being well rested."

You nodded in agreement. "Yeah. Sounds like a plan. Goodnight, Gundham."

"Goodnight, Y/N." You frowned when he called you by your name and not a pet name. However you said nothing, and the two of you made your way to your separate cottages.


The next morning you woke up still feeling a little bitter. You tried to push the feeling to the side as you got ready and left your cottage, heading to the restaurant. When you arrived, you saw that Gundham had already arrived. You took a deep breath before sitting beside him.

He looked up at you and gave a small smile. "Good morning, my paramour." He greeted you. So at least he seemed to feel better about the little argument the two of you had last night. "Are you recovered from the previous night's...incident?"

"Good morning, Gundham." You returned the greeting, then began picking at the food in front of you. "...Not really." You admitted. "I'm still thinking about it, and I still feel the same way."

Danganronpa x Reader Boyfriend One Shots(Requests Closed, Commissions Opened)Where stories live. Discover now