(Lemon)Bad Boys Bring Heaven to You- Mondo Owada x Reader

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You were a strict rule follower. You believed that rules were there to protect everyone, and followed them to a T. This mindset you had led you to becoming close friends with Kiyotaka Ishimaru, the Ultimate Moral Compass. Even when trapped in this killing game, the both of you did your best to uphold the rules.

That's why both you and Taka were currently reprimanding Mondo Oowada for breaking the self imposed nighttime rule. You had come upon him by chance. You had decided to quickly grab a midnight snack. You felt awful for breaking the rule, however briefly, but your stomach wouldn't allow you to rest. On your way out of the warehouse and back to your room, you had noticed Mondo heading to the second floor. You had called out for him to go to his room, receiving a middle finger in return. Letting out a sigh, you went back to your room and decided to talk to him about it tomorrow.

You had told Taka about the encounter who, after briefly getting on your case to which you apologized, pulled Mondo into an empty classroom. The two of you were now scolding him, with only sighs and eye rolls as the Ultimate Biker Gang Leader's responses. 

"It is extremely dangerous to be about at night!" You said, your hands on your hips.

"Yeah? Then why were you out?" Mondo retorted.

"I have already scolded Y/N for breaking the promise we made." Taka shot you a look, and you lowered your head. "And unlike you, she regrets her actions and apologized immediately."

Mondo rolled his eyes for what felt like the hundredth time. "Tch. I just went for a walk around the school. It's not that big a deal."

"It is a big deal!" You argued. "What if someone had taken that opportunity to seriously hurt you?"

Mondo laughed. "What, you think someone could kill me?" He shook his head with a smirk. "The only one who would even have a chance is Sakura, and I seriously doubt she'd put her relationship with Aoi at risk jus' to kill me."

You scoffed and crossed your arms. "You really think you're that tough?"

Mondo glared at you. "Of course I am." He snapped.

"Well I believe you are just all talk!" Taka told him, copying your stance. "You are not nearly as man as I am!"

Mondo's eyes widened before he laughed. "What? You?! Ha! Don't make me laugh, dude. I could snap you in half."

"Taka is twice the man you are!" You agreed with your friend, a smirk growing on your face.

Mondo's head snapped to you as he glared at you for a moment. The look quickly faded as he narrowed his and looked at you quizzically. You felt a chill go down your spine until his attention returned to Kiyotaka.

"You wanna prove your more man then me?" Mondo asked the man of morals, jabbing his thumb into his own chest. "Then let's have a battle between men."

"I agree!" Taka shouted in his normal tone. "What did you have in mind?"

You shook yourself free from whatever stupor Mondo's glare had put you in and spoke up. "You could do an endurance test." You suggested. "Whoever stays in the sauna the longest is the winner."

The two men looked at you, then at each other. They gave one another a nod, before the three of you headed to the sauna.

You were sitting outside the sauna, serving as the mediator. You were currently listening to the two shit talking each other. You would never admit it to Taka, but Mondo was definitely winning this battle of wits. 

"How's it going in there?" You called, not looking in since one of the men were in only a towel.

"I am...barely breaking a sweat!" Kiyotaka panted. From his voice it sounded like that was a lie.

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