For You-Kaito Momota x Reader

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Your eyes widened in horror as you stared at Kokichi Oma, the most annoying person you had ever met.  The little shit that had just admitted to being the mastermind and forcing you and the others to kill each other.

"Why you little-!" 

You were brought back to reality at the sound of Kaito Momota's voice. As you watched your closest friend glare at the Ultimate Supreme Leader, your confusion was quickly replaced with anger as you focused your attention to Kokichi. The gremlin continued to taunt you all, and it wasn't long before Kaito ran forward, aiming to punch the boy. The moment you saw Kaito run forward, you did so as well, hoping to take the Supreme Leader by surprise. 

That didn't happen, as an Exisal lunged forward and picked both you and Kaito up, the both of you passing out in the process.

"What's the meaning of this, Kokichi?!"

"Well you and your girlfriend here were giving me a real headache. So I thought it'd be best if you both had a little time out."

"Did you hurt her?! I swear if you touched her I'll-"

"Relaaax. I didn't hurt either of you. You both passed out when the Exisal grabbed you and I simply brought you back to the hangar."

"Then why hasn't she woken up yet?"

"Huh. Yeah, that is weird. Oh well. She's probably fine."

You slowly woke up to the sounds of people talking. You groaned and sat up, blinking open your eyes in the process. As your vision adjusted, you noticed you were in the Exisal hangar bathroom. As you glanced over at the door, you saw Kaito looking at you, concern and relief washing over his face as you turned to him.

"Y/N!" He exclaimed, running to your side.

"See? Told ya she was fine." You glanced behind Kaito to the bathroom door, and could make out Kokichi smirking at the both of you from the other side. He turned on his heel and left without another word.

"Y/N, you had me worried there." Kaito regained your attention as he placed a hand on your shoulder gently, a kind smile on his face.

"K...Kaito?" You muttered, squinting at him. "What happened?"

The Ultimate Astronaut sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well I tried to beat the shit out of Kokichi, but I was grabbed by one of those damned Exisals." He tilted his head at you. "I didn't expect you to do the same thing."

"What, was I supposed to let you attack that shithead by yourself?" You grunted as you pulled yourself to your feet. Kaito held on to you as you did, making sure you didn't fall. "He had just admitted to being the mastermind. I had to do something!"

"You shoulda left it to me!" Kaito scolded you. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to you."

"Like hell." You spat, glaring at your friend. "Kaito you can't do everything on your own. Especially since you're sick!"

"I'm fine!" The man screamed, narrowing his eyes at you. "I told you it was nothing! I'm fine. I got no time to be sick, ya hear me?! I have to protect everyone." Kaito took a step towards you, causing you to take one back. He continued his advancements until you felt your back against the bathroom wall. You looked up at him with wide eyes as he placed a hand on either side of you, effectively trapping you between him and the wall. He looked down at you with worried eyes. 

"I have to protect you."

You felt your heart skip a beat as you suddenly became painfully aware how close his face was to your own. "K-Kaito..." You whispered.

Danganronpa x Reader Boyfriend One Shots(Requests Closed, Commissions Opened)Where stories live. Discover now