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"What's this I hear about a boy you're talking to?" My mother asks me over the phone. I pinch the bridge of my nose and mentally sigh.

"Did Paige tell you this?" I ask.
"So you are seeing a boy?"

"Ma, no, I'm not." I sigh.
"No need to get shy. If you are, your father and I are ready to meet him."

"Oh, ma, you didn't tell dad, did you?" She's quiet into the line and my eyes go wide. "Ma!"

"I didn't, so you can take back the attitude, Yasmín," she says as she pronounces my name the Spanish way. "Okay, I called you for something. Espera me, I'm trying to remember."

I look at my watch before placing the phone on speaker and typing out the article I was writing on my laptop.

"Ah, dinner. Your father said he can't do dinner tonight, he's busy looking over a deposition, something like that." She says. I hear my father shouting in the background, "It's witness testimonies, Diana!" I let out a quiet giggle as my mom responds to him, "It's the same thing!"

"So when is it gonna be?" I ask.
"Can you do Thursday?" She replies.

"Let me check my schedule." I look up from the screen and look at the dry erase board calendar that was nailed to my wall. "I can do Thursday, I have an early shift."

"Alright, see you Thursday, te amo, mijita."
"Love you to, ma."

I hang up the call and the music I had continues to play as I fix my glasses and continue to type out the article that had to be turned in before midnight.

The front door opens and I hear Paige's obnoxious singing to an Adele song. She continued to sing and the voice grew louder and closer. Paige burst through the door of my bedroom, pointing a banana at me, and loudly singing the words to Set Fire To The Rain. I stopped typing and looked at my blonde friend and roommate as she sang rather ugly.

"Are you done, like, is it over?" I ask her. Paige throws the banana at me and I begin to peel it.

"What are you doing today?" Paige asks me. She collects her hair and makes a ponytail.

"Nothing, just finishing this article before midnight." I reply as I take a bite out of the banana. "Why, what's up?"

"We're going out tonight."
"Who is we?"

"Me, you, Jack, the girls and some of the guys."
"Please don't tell me that Shawn's going!"

"What happened last night?" Paige asks me. She walks over and sits at the edge of my bed and crosses her legs like a pretzel. "I didn't get to ask you how it went."

"Alright, so, he picks me up from the store and takes me to that underground sushi joint. Things were going good, I said something I shouldn't have, and then it got awkward. So we drive home and he gets out the car and we have this little talk outside on the steps. And then things got very awkward." I say.

"How awkward?" Paige asks.

"He leaned in for a, a you know, a kiss. And I...may have, sort of, stuck out my hand in, uh, instead...of kissing him."

Paige and I look at each other before she bursts out into a fit of laughter. She laughs so hard that she falls off the bed, and still continues to laugh.

"You shook his hand!" Paige laughs. "You shook his hand!!"
"Would you shut up! I'm embarrassed about it!" I say.

"Hey, you guys home?" Jack's voice calls as he closes the door.

Afraid | Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now