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A sigh escapes my lips as I close the laptop shut, then placing it at the foot of my bed. Sebastian, my white Turkish Angora cat, leaps onto the bed and rubs his head against my thigh. I bring a hand to his head and lightly scratch at his tiny scalp. He purrs under my touch and I grab my phone from the nightstand. I unlock it while my other hand continues to scratch the cat.

The bedroom door opens and reveals Paige. She stands in the doorway, her hair pulled up into a ponytail and her hands at her hips.

"What are you doing?" She asks me.
"I finished watching Cruel Intentions. I tried to find another movie, but I couldn't find a good one." I say with a shrug.

"No! Jasmine, it's seven! Shawn's going to be here in thirty minutes."

I stop scratching Sebastian and lean back in the bed. "Do I have to go?"

"Yes! Come on, out of bed!" Paige says with a few claps of her hands. She walks into my room and heads to the closet across from my bed. She slides the mirror door open and rummages through my wardrobe. Paige takes out an oversized dusty rose shirt and a pair of ripped jeans for me. "Here, wear this for tonight."

I roll my eyes and groan while I get out of bed. Paige lightly slaps my butt as I walk out the room and head down the hall to the bathroom.

Once inside the bathroom, I begin to brush my teeth. Next I remove my glasses in favor of my contacts.

"Paige?" I call out.
"What?" She responds.

"Can you charge my phone, please?"
"Sure thing."

I put on a quick face mask for ten minutes, then rinse the charcoal off my face. Then I moisturize my face before brushing through my thick brows. As I contemplate on wearing eyeliner or not, the doorbell rings. I quickly bolt from the bathroom to my bedroom while Paige walks over to the intercom.

"Hello?" She presses the button. I hastily remove my shorts and fall in the process of doing so.

"Open up," Jack's voice says. "Shawn and I are here."

Paige presses a different button for a few seconds then lets go. She runs from the door and over to me, but trips on the one platform step we always forget about. She laughs, and so do I. Paige crawls on over into my bedroom. "How long has that step been there?"

After putting on my white converse, I remove my shirt and put on the one that had been chosen for me to wear for the night. The front door opens and I hear Jack's familiar voice. Paige exits from my room and leaves me alone in the bedroom. I check my appearance in the mirror of the closet door; so far, I looked decent. My hands go to my hair and I remove the bun I had from the day. The imprints of the band had managed to leave some little waves in my hair. I grab my house keys, phone, and wallet before placing them in my small brown leather satchel.

"Okay, just calm down," I tell myself. My hand is on the doorknob. "Jasmine, just play it cool. Be cool. You're fine. You're compl - crap, you forgot deodorant."

I head over to the small little vanity and open up the first drawer. I apply some of the cucumber scented deodorant, place it back in the drawer, and head back on over to the door. I turn and face my cat, who plays with his toy on my bed. "Sebastian, wish me luck, pal."

The doorknob slowly turns and I open the door. The three of them are talking in the small living room area. Jack and Paige sit with each other on the blue couch while Shawn sits on the other couch, his back to me. He laughs at something Paige says while Jack strokes a hand up and down her legs.

I come out the room and step out into the hall. Paige clears her throat and the attention is to me. My small frame leans against the doorway, my hands behind my back as I stand awkwardly. Shawn gets up from the couch; he wears a gray shirt with black jeans, and he appears to look taller than last night. The memory of him licking his lips makes me blush in the slightest way.

Afraid | Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now