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The scent of maple woke me up at ten in the morning. Shawn wasn't in bed, which led me to presume that he was the one cooking breakfast. I get out of bed and go to brush my teeth, and head to the kitchen afterwards. As I put my hair into a bun, I see Shawn standing at the fridge, drinking milk from the carton.

"Couldn't use a cup, huh?" I ask. He stops drinking and places the cap back on the milk before placing it in the fridge, closing the door afterwards.

"Someone's finally up." He smiles.

"I smelled food," I smile at him.

"You like waffles?"

"Love waffles."

Shawn smiles at me and slides over a plate of waffles. He grabs the syrup and drizzles some on top and then grabs a can of whip cream and squirts it on top.

"Did you make these?" I ask him as I see the waffle fryer and a bowl of batter on the counter.

"Yeah. Why?" He replies as he pours me a glass of orange juice.

"You cook?"

"Yeah. You didn't know that?"

"You never mentioned it."

"Well at my Private Boarding School, all the athletes were required to take an extra elective. And a few of us Rugby players figured we'd take Cooking. Turned out to be a fun." he explained.

He hands me a fork and I cut a piece of waffle and take a bite. Shawn watches me and I realize he wants my feedback.

"It's really good." I tell him after I swallow a piece. It is. He threw some bits of nuts in there and there's a hint of cinnamon. It taste really good. Not bad for scratch made batter.

"What time you got work?" He asks me, taking a sip of my orange juice.

"An hour." I glance at the clock. 9:59 a.m.

"You doing anything tonight?"

"Oh, yeah. The girls and I are having a sleepover tonight."

"Sleepover? What's the occasion?"

"Paige and Jack broke up, so we're gonna support her."

"What do girls even do at sleepover's?" Shawn asks me.

I stop chewing and swallow my waffle. "Well, we start off by walking around in nothing but our underwear and big shirts over our bare, bra less chest. Then we have pillow fights and then make out."

"Holy shit! Seriously!?" His eyes widen.

I laugh at him, "No! You actually fell for that?"

"Why must you play with my feelings, Jasmine? You know what you get? A nice dip in the pool." Shawn comes around the counter and grabs me.

"No, I take it back!" I laugh. He takes me outside in front of the pool. "I'm sorry!"

"What was that?" He asks as he swings my body in a teasing manner.

"I'm sorry!" I laugh once more. "Put me down, Shawn! Please!"

Shawn sets me down on my feet and I fix my bun.

"Just cause I like you, I'll let that slide." He leans down to kiss me. Before our lips touch, I push him into the water.

"Because I like you," I say as Shawn comes up for air, "I won't let that slide."


"I'll pick you up later." Shawn says as we're in front of the shop.

"Alright. I get out at five." I remind Shawn as I grab my stuff from the car.

"So do I get an invite to this sleepover?"

"No boys allowed!"

"I'll be there at three in the morning."

"Shawn, no. We're gonna help Paige heal over her breakup with Jack."

"So, three thirty?"

"I'll see you at five." I lean over and give him a kiss. Before I can part, Shawn deepens the kiss by putting a hand on the back of my head. I laugh and he kisses at my jawline.

"Shawn, I have to go!" I giggle.

"Just. One. More. Kiss," he says between kisses.

"One more!" I declare. I bring my lips to his and kiss him back. I pull back and he's smiling at me.

"See you at three." he tells me once more as I get out the car.

I head into the shop through the back and greet my coworkers. After putting everything away on my locker, I grab my work apron and head out to make Christopher's package for his boyfriend, James. He told me how James enjoys the scent of citrus and how he adores color. I found a lot of things that I was certain James would love.

"How's that package coming along Jasmine?" Christopher asked me as I wrapped up the box with colorful wrapping paper we have.

"Fantastic. James is going to adore everything in here." I smile at Christopher.

"Thank you so much! I owe you one!" He hugs me.

"No problem. Hey, can you cut me two long pieces of twine please?"

"Sure." As Christopher goes to cut some twine, I finish taping the paper to the box. "Here you are."

"Thank you." I grab one piece of tie it across the length and cut off the tie so only the knot is there. Next, I tie the other twine from width and make a cute bow, leaving some extra twine as strings.

"Name tag, please," I tell Christopher. He hands it over and I give it back. "Write something meaningful and heartfelt. When you're done, just place it on there. I've gotta get to work."

"Alright. Thank you very much Jasmine! I appreciate everything." he hugs me once more.

"Don't sweat it. Just let me know his reaction." I tell him.

"I will." He smiles wide and I see his gap that I am a big fan of. "I'm surprised that you haven't made one of these packages for you and your boyfriend." Christopher winks at me and I blush.

"We just started dating, actually." I tell him.

"But I thought he gave you oral?" He whispers to me.

"Did Paige tell you?" I whisper-yell at him.

"Nope. But you did when you made a personal phone call last week on the work phone." He smiles and I feel heat rush to my cheeks in embarrassment.

"I'm so embarrassed right now." I say as I slap my hand to my forehead.

"Don't be. It's completely fine." He consoles me. "But why don't you make him one of these?" Christopher points to the package on the table.

"You're right. I'll probably make one before I leave tonight." I sigh.

"No, let me."

"You're serious about this?"

"As a heart attack. This package should definitely add some spice with your new beau." He gives me a mischievous smirk and I feel like I'll regret this later on in life.

Afraid | Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now