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"Jasmine, are you okay?" Shawn asks me. He's taller than usual. That's when I realize I'm lying on the floor. As I look around, I see that it's a bathroom. I place my hands on the side of the tub and help myself stand up.

"What happened?" I ask Shawn.

"You blacked out for five minutes after you took another shot of that MoonShine." Shawn tells me.

"What time is it?"

"It's two thirty."

"No it's not."

"Then what time is it?"

"This." I throw myself at Shawn and kiss him. He leans against the sink and places his hands on my waist. I feel his tongue in my mouth as it massages mine. "Take your shirt off." I whisper against his lips. As he takes off his shirt, I start to unbuckle his pants.

"What're you doing?" He asks, placing his hands on mine to stop me.

"Sometime I should have done a while ago." I reply. He takes his hands off mine and I kiss along his neck and trail down to the hem of his briefs. I take my right hand and grab his hard erection and pull it out. Shawn closes his eyes and leans his head back against the mirror. Slowly, I start to bring my hand up and down, from the tip to the base.

I open my mouth wide and cover my teeth with my lips before placing my mouth onto his tip. I slowly bob my head down to the base of his shaft, and swiftly my tongue around it.

A groan emits from his mouth as I come back up to the tip. He places his hands in my hair and pushes my mouth back down. I gag at his action and slowly come back up.

I focus on the tip, and swirl my tongue around it, tasting the pre-cum. With my right hand, I pump what isn't it my mouth. I continue to swirl my tongue around his tip in a figure eight motion - just like Cosmopolitan Magazine says to. His hands stay in my hair and I glance up to see him biting his lip. With my left hand, I palm his sack and he moans loud and hard. I remove my hand from his shaft and start to bob my head back down from tip to base. Shawn grips my hair in his hands as I tenderly use teeth.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," he says. I cover my teeth with my lips again and hollow my cheeks as I suck on his tip once more again.

Again, I jerk off what isn't in my mouth with my hand as I continue to palm his sack with my other hand. I remove my hand from his shaft and I bring my mouth all the way down to his base as I take all of him in my mouth. my tongue swiftly swirls around his shaft to the base. I do this repeatedly and glance up at Shawn. He opens his mouth but no noise emits. I feel him twitch inside me, and I immediately swallow his load.

He pants and I remove my mouth from his shaft, and lightly blow onto his tip. Shawn removes his hands from my hair and I stand up. Shawn collects himself and buckles his pants.

He stands up and I lean against the door. He places his hands on either side of me and leans down. "God, where the hell did you learn to give head like that?"

"Cosmo Magazine." I smile.

"Keep reading," he smirks before leaning down to give me a kiss. He exits the bathroom, looks around, and then tell me to come out. The lights throw me by surprise as I see that someone brought out a strobe light.

"I'll lead," Shawn tells me in my ear over the loud music. He takes my hand in his and I follow behind him as he walks. The whole house is dark with the flashing of strobe lights. Shawn wasn't lying to me in the car when he said Chris threw crazy, wild parties.

"Where are we going?" I ask Shawn.

"Outside. Careful, we're going down stairs." Shawn replies. We carefully head down the stairs. The music is louder and people are all around dancing and bumping into us. Shawn tugs on my hand and pulls me into a doorway. He opens the door and we're outside. The air is less stuffy than the house. I can see and there are left people out here than before.

"He throws crazy parties." I tell Shawn as we walk towards the car.

"One time Chris threw a party after homecoming out sophomore year and everyone left with some glitter on them." Shawn tells me. I smile and imagine Shawn with some glitter on his face.

We get into the car and drive off to my place. As much as Shawn wants to spend the night, I tell him not to because there is a big chance that I will puke and possibly puke on him.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Shawn tells me as I get out the car.

"For what?" I hiccup.

"Because I want to see you." He smiles at me. I return the gesture and close the door before walking up to the front door. Upon opening the door, I see an unknown car parked in the driveway. As I open the door, I hear the familiar sound of the bed squeaking.

Well, that answers the question of who's car was in the driveway. I head up to my room and stop down to my bra and underwear and then walk into my bathroom and start the shower.
The next morning, I awoke to the smell of pancakes and bacon being cooked. I get up from bed and feel a pounding headache. Why did I have to drink so much last night? I head out of my room and walk downstairs to the kitchen.

"That smells wonderful," I tell Paige as she pours me a glass of orange juice.

"Here," she hands me two aspirin, "take this."

"Thank you." I take the pills one at a time and swallow some water before I eat pancakes.

"Ow," Paige rubs the nape of her neck.

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

"I think I might have slept wrong." She furrows her eye brows as she continues rubbing her neck.

"Why don't you have Jack come down and a massage it for you?" I smirk.

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't act like you don't know."

"Know what?"

"That you and Jack got back together and had sex last night."

"Jasmine, I'm still single. And I haven't had sex in two weeks."

My eyes narrow. "Wait, what?"

"Yes. I stayed away from Jack last night at the party."

"If you didn't have sex last night, then who did?" Paige and I stiffen and look at one another. Is someone in our house?

"We gotta go look." I whisper to her.

"I'm not going. You're going." She shakes her head at me.

"Paige, come on!"

"Fine! But you first!" Paige and I quietly exit the kitchen and tip toe up the stairs. Now this makes sense as to why I saw an unknown car in the driveway. We get to the top of the stairs and tip toe to the guest bedroom.

"Open it." Paige whispers to me.

"Why me? You open it!" I tell her.

"Come on dude, I'm not trying to die."

"Me neither."

"Just open it, you're in front of me."

"Fine! But if I die, you stay away from my funeral." Paige smiles at me as I turn to the door. I slowly, and quietly turn the knob and open the door a crack. "Wait a minute."

"What?" Paige asks.

"It's Charlie!" I tell her.


"Look!" Paige goes to look at sees Charlie sleeping on the guest bed, clothes scattered in the floor.

"What's that?" She asks herself.

"What's what?" I ask her.

"There's a bucket hat on the floor."

Bucket hat? Wait...

"She had sex with-" Paige begins to close the door.

"Matt!" I finish for her.

Afraid | Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now