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"Baby." Shawn voice has sadness and he pleads sweet pet names at me as he places a knee down besides me. He places his hands under my head and lifts my body up into a sitting position.

"Get the fuck away from her!" Paige shouts.
"Paige, stop it!" Jack says as he holds her in his arms.

"You hurt her! You fucking hurt her!"
"It was an accident!"

"Fuck." Shawn says in my ear as he holds me. "Fuck! Jasmine, baby, oh fuck. Tell me you're okay, baby. Please."

"Shawn." I sob. I close my eyes as he kisses the top of my head repeatedly.

"Baby, let me see." He says as I shake my head. "Come on, I need to see."

"D-Don't touch me." I say as I try to push Shawn away. I begin to hit his chest but Shawn grabs my hands in one hand and places his other hand at the side of my face.

"Oh, Jasmine." Shawn says. I tilt my head down and continue to cry. "Jack!" Shawn kisses my forehead and placed his mouth by my ear, "Baby, we gotta take you somewhere to get you fixed up."

Shawn stands up and lifts me up on my feet. It's then that I realize one of my shoes has come off. Shawn's holds my hands as I step into my heel. He hands me my clutch and I lean on him as we walk over to where Jack and Paige were.

"You asshole!" Paige shouts at Shawn.
"It was an accident!" Shawn snaps at her.

Paige gets rid of Jack's grip and pushes Shawn away from me. He and Jack talk in low voices as Paige holds me in her arms. "Jasmine, oh god, please tell me you're okay."

"I'm okay," I sniffle. "I'm okay."

"Let me see." Paige says. I don't protest and she pushes my hair behind my shoulders. Paige placed her hand over her mouth and then went to Shawn. She hit the back of his shoulders repeatedly and Jack holds her back.

"Jesus fuck, Paige." Jack says. "Enough already! It was an accident!"

I don't know what I look like, but I know that my lip stings and my face hurts as my head pounds. Shawn doesn't even look at me. He has his hands at his hips as he hangs his head down low. Suddenly, he lets out a yell and punches the side of a metal trash bin.

"You're gonna hurt your hand, dumbass!" Jack shouts.
"We gotta take her to get cleaned up." Shawn says.

"Don't take me to a hospital," I say, "they're gonna call my parents."

"They won't." Jack says to me. "Jasmine, we have to take you. You need to get fixed up."

I shake my head. "No."

"You have to." He replies.
"No, I don't want to."

"You need to! Jasmine, look at yourself." Paige says as she holds a mirror from her bag out to me.

My lip is cracked and bleeding. My left cheekbone is scraped and there's bruising forming. There's a cut on my right eyebrow that has fresh blood slowly coming out. I look terrible. I need to to get cleaned up.

"No. I won't go." I say.
"Baby," Shawn says as he turns to me, "you have to."

"No, I wanna stay with you."
"We'll go to the hospital together. We can get our story straight on the way there."

Shawn places his hands at my arms as he pulls me closer to him. I place my face in his chest and he wraps his arms around me as I continue to cry into his chest. "Come on, my car isn't far away from here."

I nod my head and I grab my clutch from Paige. She pleads for me not to go, but I tell Jack to make sure she's calm before going to bed. Shawn and I begin to walk to his car, but he instead carries me in his arms. He places me in the backseat of his Jeep and I continue to silently cry as he drives down the empty roads to the nearest hospital.

Afraid | Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now