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Shawn looks deep in thought and I can't help but feel terrible for springing this question onto him. But then a thought popped into my head - If he had no problem calling me his girlfriend like Paige overheard, then he should have no problem telling me what we are. Right?

"Actually, never mind, you don't have to answer that." I say as I hop off the counter. There's still some water left in my glass, but I want to be distracted so I don't have to face him. I walk over to the fridge and begin to pour water into the glass.

"Well can I ask why you asked that?" Shawn replies.

"Paige said she heard you call me your girlfriend, I's fine, I've had a boyfriend before...but, that was, like, two and a half years ago so I'm not new, but also kinda new at relationships again. If that makes sense." I say with a shrug.

"No, I get you." He says. The water is almost filled up to the rim of the glass. "It's just hard to explain."

"What is, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I consider you my girlfriend. But if you don't want me to, thats cool, ya know. I can-I could wait for whatever it is that makes you comfortable." I turn around, leaving the cup on the counter and play with my hands as I watch him fumble over his words. "You could, you could think of me as that guy that you're just talking to."

"Well, that wouldn't feel right." I say with a one shoulder shrug. "I don't think just talking equates to the things we're already done. Ya know? But we shouldn't be calling each other girlfriend and boyfriend because of what we've done, you know what I mean?"

"Absolutely!" Shawn nods in agreement. "You know, you wouldn't want us to be at parties telling people, Yeah, I ate her out and two weeks later she became my girlfriend just because of that. There should be meaning."

"Okay, yeah, maybe not the best example you used, but I'll take it." I nod. I clear my throat. "I really like talking to you. You're a really good listener. I bet that's because of your zodiac sign. What is it by the way?"

"Leo." He nods.

"Cool, I'm a Libra."

"That's cool!" He says.

"But like I was saying, you're a really good listener. And you're very confident and outgoing and funny, and I'm still trying to find out what your flaw is. I don't really know if there is one. You're really nice. Like super nice, and I don't know if it's cause you're Canadian, but you're incredibly nice. Like I might trust you with my life, also might night. But you're incredibly nice and-and you were raised right, I can tell." I ramble.

"Jasmine I want to be your boyfriend." Shawn says, shutting me up from my rant.

"Oh-Okay." I nod.

"I called you my girlfriend because I honestly think of you as that. You don't have to think of me as your boyfriend right away, but I think of you as my girlfriend. Is that okay?" He asks me.

I nod my head. "Yeah man, totally." I stop. "I'm sorry I called you that."

"It's okay." He nods.

"So we're official."

"Yeah. I suppose."

"Alright." I nod.


"You should know your chicken is burning."

Shawn turns around and looks at the pan. "Oh, fuck!"

"No offense, but what was your grade in that culinary class?"

Afraid | Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now