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Selma and I were out on the roof of the boat as we tanned and skimmed through magazines she brought out. Matthew and Shawn were directly underneath us inside the boat as they were drinking and playing on the pool table that was inside. It finally gave me an opportunity to talk to Selma and see how she's feeling about the wedding in two days.

"So, are you getting any pre-wedding jitters?" I ask Selma.
"No, none so far." Selma replies.

"You know you can tell me anything."
"I know. But, there's nothing to tell."

She didn't sound convincing, but I also didn't want to pry into her life. Selma was one that was hard to read; you had to get deep within her mind to understand her. I glanced at her fingernails and noticed they weren't chewed to the core like usual. Her tone didn't sound convincing, but the absence of her usually present anxiety led to me believe that she was in fact fine and telling me the truth.

"Jasmine, I'm fine. Really. Don't worry your pretty little head about me." Selma says. "Now, what does my Maid of Honor have in store for my bachelorette party tomorrow?"

For the time being on the boat, everything went fine. The four of us talked and listened to the old records and mix tapes my dad would make for my mom. We drank and even swam in the water, which frightened Shawn a bit, seeing as he had a fear of deep water.

"You were a lifeguard. How could you be afraid of deep water?" I asked Shawn.
"That was in a pool, not the ocean." He replied.

After the boat docked, Larry came over to help make sure the boat was off and anchored. Then the four of us went our ways. Shawn and I held hands as we walked back to the car.

"Do you want to go into town today? Or maybe go to the City?" I ask Shawn.

"For what?" Shawn replies.

I shrug my shoulders. "Just to get out. My parents are probably gonna want us to visit the country club with them, and it can be boring."

"You don't wanna go to the country club? I don't mind. I could score more points with your dad."

"What for if you're just gonna leave this month?"

Shawn stops walking and turns me to face him. "Don't ever say that again, Jasmine. I'm not leaving. Get that thought out of your cute ass mind."

I laugh and he kisses my forehead before taking my hand again, then letting go as we enter the car. I fiddled with the radio before opening the glove compartment and finding the old tapes my mother and father listened to.

"Are those the tapes your dad made?" Shawn asked me.
"Yeah. He made her a lot. Wanna listen?" I ask.
"Sure. Put it on."

I place the tape labeled, Diana Carla with a drawn heart next to it. The tape plays and my fathers voice speaks.

"Hola, el amor de mi vida! Did I say it right? Hello, love of my life. It's raining here and I hope you get this tape safely. I love you, Diana. Here's more songs that remind me of you."

Shawn places his hand at my thigh as he continues to drive and I hug my right knee to my chest and wait for the first song to come on.

"Oh, my God!" I say the moment I hear the song begin to play.

"What? What song is this?" Shawn asks me.

Afraid | Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now