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- shawn -

We sit in the car, the three of us, parked and on the side of the road in the quiet neighborhood. My eyes feel heavy and I feel my head nodding off but I still crack up at the jokes Johnson makes. He hands Jack the blunt, and he inhales.

"Your last week of doing drugs, man," Jack says as he exhaled the smoke in rings and hands me the blunt.

I grab it and lean back in the seat and place the brown joint between my lips, deeply inhale, hold it in, and exhale the smoke from my nose. "Yeah," I say with a chuckle. I hand it to Johnson and the rotation continues.

"Ah, man," I say. "Mem-Remember the time we uh, we got Jasmine to eat that brownie?"

The three of us laugh as we recall the night I gave her the pot brownie at Chris's party. Although I shouldn't have done it without telling her what it was, it was pretty funny.

"No offense, but why do you go for the pure girls?" Jack asks.

"Yeah, what's the deal with that." Johnson adds.

"Something about changing a girl, man." I say. "You have her all to yourself, she's pure."

"Just say you like taking their virginities, you dick." Jack laughs.

I laugh as I'm handed the blunt next and take the deepest puff I can and slowly do a French exhale. I give it to Johnson and rub my eye with the palm of my hand. "Did I ever tell you the story of when I took it? Jasmine's virginity?"

Johnson, with the blunt in between his lips, turns around so fast that some of the ash falls down on the carpet of the car. "Spill that shit right now."

"Alright. It was raining, so she wakes up and I tell her to come back to bed. She comes back, as she's just all over me. She's like, hey man, I want you." I begin, but stop when Jack starts laughing.

"Re-Remember how P-Paige's dumbass came into the gym the ne-next day and thought you hit her?!" Jack says as he claps his hands and laughs. I burst out laughing and toss my head back and laugh along with him.

"Jasmine couldn't walk right the next day, so she was waddling like the cutest penguin I have ever seen," I tell Johnson while he looks at me with his red eyes. "I think I choked her a bit too hard cause there was like a baby bruise on her neck."

"You fucked Jasmine that rough?" Johnson asks me.

"I've never gone slow! Sue me!" I reply. Jack takes the blunt and begins to smoke it. "Anyways, Paige drags Jasmine down to the gym and she starts making this scene and she's mad and her arms arm flailing and she's bitching about how I shouldn't have laid a single hand on Jasmine. So she's asking me what I did to Jasmine, and I went straight to the point and looked her in her eyes and I said, Paige, I fucked your best friend so hard she can't walk. That bruise on her neck? I choked her."

Johnson laughs and leans against the window as he laughs so hard that only his breath is audible. Jack hands me the joint, which was now simply a roach, and I finish it before rolling down the window and throwing it to the ground.

"Nah, but the best part was when he took off his shirt and fucking showed her the damn back scratches." Jack adds, making Johnson laugh more.

Afraid | Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now