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Throughout the ceremony, it was hard to focus on the love that was maturing into something better. I should have been focusing on Selma and how even from behind, her skin seemed to glow. I should have been looking at Matthew and seeing how much love he had pouring from his eyes and into Selma's. But I couldn't. From the side of my eyes, I could see Shawn staring at me. Although I couldn't see his expression, I could feel his eyes burning into me. I simply held onto my bouquet and Selma's and looking down at the flowers.

Soon enough, the wedding was over. Selma was married and I gave her back her bouquet as she walked down and out with Matthew and the guests clapped and whistled. I walked back out with my groomsman and then we began to take pictures. I felt extremely terrible for not being focused, but then again, how could I when I was crying earlier? As much as I wanted to slip away and talk to Shawn and try to mend things, it was incredibly hard. After pictures, we were going to drive around and take more pictures in different places. We didn't really get to arrive at the hall until around five in the afternoon, which meant more pictures. I could only smile for so long before I was able to slip away and head into the bathroom.

I locked the bathroom door and placed the bouquet onto the side of the sink along with my small clutch and look at my reflection in the mirror. My makeup was fine, but through the foundation, I could tell I was tired. I can't help but wonder why did he feel the need to call Michelle last night. Even though she shouldn't be on my mind, seeing as I've never met her, she was.

I reach into my clutch and take out my phone. After putting in my passcode, I dial Paige and run a hand through my hair, then sigh when I remember it's in its natural state of curls and not straight.

"How's your hangover?" Paige answers.

"Hello to you, too." I reply. "And it's fine. I had something to eat this morning and some aspirin. I'm fine."

"How are you feeling? Still fighting with the dick?"

"Hey, don't call him that."

Paige giggles over the line. "That's what you called him last night! God, you seriously don't remember, do you?"

"No," I sigh. "I remember waking up next to Shawn wearing his shirt, and I don't know if we had sex or not. I don't think we did."

"How's his hangover?"

"Um, he's managing. Listen, I called for a reason. I wanna know if he called Michelle or not last night." I say with a deep and sad sigh. "It's been bugging me all morning and I just, I need to know. I feel like I'm just going crazy here, I am. Why would he call her?"

"You really want to know?" Paige replies.

"More than anything. Please, Paige, tell me if he called her or not?"

"He did."

There it was. Those two words that broke me for some reason. Why would he need to call her? Why can't he just talk things out with me?

"It was a quick five minute call, but they talked at around five or six in the morning."

"What did he say to her?"

"She didn't really specify, she just said he had to get something off of his chest. It could be the fight you two had together?" She replies.

"But why would he need to get it off his chest?"

"Jasmine, what happened when you two fought?"

"Remember that one time I cried during a game because I fractured my wrist?" I speak. Paige makes an agreeing noise over the line and I continue. "Our fight hurt worse than that."

Afraid | Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now