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To: Shawn
No! Don't come over! Please! I'll talk to you later, just please, don't come over.


What would happen if he came over? How am I supposed to talk about the pictures? Or do we talk about the pictures? My phone buzzes, blocking any other thought from popping into my mind, and I glance down at the screen.

From: Shawn
Too late. Come outside.

Crap. He's outside and I can't hide. I glance back at the living room and see the girls are all still sleeping. My phone buzzes with another text from Shawn.

From: Shawn
Jasmine, I won't leave until you come outside.

I sigh.

To: Shawn

I slide my phone in the pocket of my cotton shorts and grab my converse to tie them on. I walk out to the front door, but grab my keys and my maroon sweater before quietly walking out the front door. Shawn's car is in the driveway and he's waiting for me. I open the passenger door a climb in, closing it afterwards.

Shawn says nothing, but drives out the drive way and then down the road. An old Beatles song plays on the radio. The song lowly fills the car with noise as we continue to drive. I stare out the window, softly resting my temple against the window. As I close my eyes, I feel Shawn's hand rest soothingly on my left thigh.

It felt comforting to me. Kind of like he was telling me to relax. Like Shawn knew that inside I was bouncing with nerves.

"Where are we going?" I ask Shawn as I see that he has driven us to the highway.

"You'll see." He tells me.

I look out the window and see the skyline of Downtown Boston. A smile spreads on my face and I can't help but get excited. Seeing the lights at night has always been something I've always wanted to do. But at almost 4 in the morning? That's even better.

Three minutes later, Shawn had parked in a parking garage and he and I walked down the empty side walk. The wind was crisp and fresh as it lightly blew my hair back.

"How was the sleepover?" Shawn asked me. He took my hand in his by surprise and entwined our fingers.

"It hasn't ended yet." I say.

"Jasmine?" He asks.

"Yeah?" I bite down on my bottom lip. Oh, please don't ask...please don't ask..please don't ask -

"What were the pictures about?" Shawn asks me.

"Well..." I try to find the right words to say. Lets see: how do I explain to my boyfriend of four days that I was dared by my best friends to send him sexy photographs of me in lingerie via text message? "Somehow the girls and I went from watching a movie to playing truth or dare. And Diana may or may not have dared me to send you those photographs."

Shawn inhales deeply and then exhales. Oh. Oh no. He's upset. I shouldn't have sent those photos. They were all bad angles anyways. It was stupid idea. Oh, stupid, stupid!

Okay, I should apologize. "Look, before you begin, I just want to say how so-."

Shawn steps in front of me, places his hands on either side of my face, and kisses me. His lips are warm and tender. He pulls back and I open my eyes.

"I loved the pictures," he whispers against my lips. Shawn gives me another kiss and bites my lip as he pulls back.

"We shouldn't be doing this in the street." I murmur to him. "What if we get caught?"

Afraid | Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now