seventy - two

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The boat docked around midnight, but the party didn't end there. My parents decided to have the family over, my loud, drunk and energetic Colombian family. Chandler and my dad moved most of the furniture out of the way to form a makeshift dance floor. My mom played music on her phone that was connected to the bluetooth speaker that was set up in the living room. Shawn and I stood in the kitchen with some of my family as they passed us drinks of tequila and cerveza. My Tia Estella kept gawking over how handsome Shawn was and trying to get him to dance with her.

"Porque no me queres?" She asked him and then started laughing. Shawn looked at me with confusion.

"Porque el tiene un novia, pendeja!" Chandler replied to her, causing some of us to laugh at his reply.

I lean to Shawn and bring my mouth by his ear. "She asked why don't you want her, and Chandler replied, that you have a girlfriend. And then he called her a dumb-ass."

Shawn laughed and cracked a smile as the song in the background changed. Everyone went into a frenzy as soon as we heard "Suavemente," being sung.

"Mi nena, echate pa'ca!" My mom called me from the dance floor as she mimicked the lyrics being sung.

"Has he seen you dance?" Chandler asked me, pointing at Shawn.

"Nope, but he's about to." I reply as I step out of my heels. I bend down to pick them up and hand them to Shawn. "Hold these for the next couple of songs, thanks."

I walk over to my mom and take her hand and begin to move my hips and feet to the beat. She matches my moves and after a couple of steps, she spins me around while I roll my hips in a small circle while I spin. My dad takes my hand as Chandler takes my mom's hand and we dance. He realizes he can't keep up with me and spins me before I'm handed off to my Tio Giorgio. We dance until my mom cuts back in and we dance until the song finishes, only for a salsa song to come on. My Tia Josie comes and dances with me.

"How long you two been together?" She asks me through her slightly thick accent.
"Four months," I reply as he spins me.

"I know you tried to take hints from Chandler and his girl," she begins, "but your Tia can always tell."
"Can I ask?" She nods. "How can you tell?"

"Well if I told, it wouldn't be a secret." She winks before bringing me close to her body. Her mouth is by my ear and she says, "No te preocupes, I won't tell." She pulls back and smiles at me. "Now, go dance with your gringo before your Tia Estella and your cousin Natalia try pulling a move on him over there."

I furrow my brows and look at where she nods her head to. In the kitchen, Shawn is drinking and laughing nervously as my Tia and my cousin try to flirt with him. Chandler laughs as he stands next to them. I walk over to them and push my Tia and cousin to the side. Placing a hand at the back of Shawn's neck, I stand on my toes and give him a kiss. "Dance with me."

He hands my Tia Estella his half empty glass before handing me my shoes. "Gladly."

I place my shoes on the ground before stepping into them and standing slightly taller than before. By now, there's already more people dancing than there originally was. Chandler had even brought Chloe onto the floor and my Tia Estella was dancing with her husband while Natalia was sitting down on the couch.

I took Shawn's hand in mine and had him watch me first so he could understand the rhythm that I'd be going along to. After a few seconds, we both began to dance.

"You're overworking your hips," I shout in his ear over the loud music.

"I thought you had to move your hips with this beat?" He replied back.

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