Wandless Magic

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Sarah poked at her treacle tart absentmindedly while she stared over at the Slytherin table. They'd had the sorting Ceremony, a brief welcome-back speech from the headmaster, and nearly finished the start of term feast, but Merula was nowhere to be found. 

She swept her eyes over to Barnaby and Ismelda, but neither of them seemed worried. Barnaby was tearing through his second piece of tart and Ismelda was talking animatedly to a boy next to her. The boy seemed very uncomfortable. Sarah glanced at Snape, who regarded the hall with his usual cool disdain. If he noticed one of his house member's absence, he didn't seem bothered. 

"I'm worried about our chances in the cup this year, if you catch snitches as well as you catch your dessert," said Charlie. 

Sarah looked down at her food; she'd been poking the golden plate for the last few minutes, missing the tart entirely. 

"Merula's gone," said Sarah, setting down her fork. "Don't you think that's odd?"

Charlie glanced over at the Slytherin table and shrugged. "Not really. She's skipped the welcome feast before. There's probably more happiness in the room than she can handle." 

Sarah looked to her left to find Corey eagerly staring at the far table as well. "The plot thickens," he mused. 

The sound of a spoon tapping on a goblet rang throughout the hall, and all eyes turned to the Headmaster.

"Now that we've had our bellies filled by our delicious feast, I have a few start of term notices to announce before we turn in for the night," he said. "First, I have exciting news to share with our seventh years: this year Hogwarts has partnered with several organizations to provide field experiences for those about to graduate and join the wizarding workforce. This provides our seventh years the opportunity to leave school grounds and learn about many wizarding careers." 

Excited whispers broke out across the hall, only partially silenced by Dumbledore's next words. "Letters will arrive to selected students when it is time for them to depart to their field experiences. This does not exempt students from their NEWTs, so I urge you all to use your time wisely." 

Dumbledore gave several more announcements, but Sarah didn't really hear them. Her brain was distracted by Charlie wishing, "Dragon sanctuary, dragon sanctuary, dragon sanctuary," over and over under his breath, and the arrival of Merula at last. She took her place beside Ismelda and looked up at the Headmaster, as though it was perfectly normal to arrive an hour and a half later than the rest of the students. 

"Corey, there she is," muttered Sarah, elbowing him to get his attention. 

"Interesting," he said, rubbing his chin. "What's she been up to?"

"That's what I need to find out."

"I'll send out my contacts to gather what information they can," he said as Dumbledore dismissed them.

"You have contacts?" she asked, rising from her seat with the others. 

"The Slytherin prefects," he said. "Come on, we've got Head Boy and Girl duties to perform." 


Corey had little to report as they met for breakfast the next morning before their first lesson, History of Magic. 

"Apparently, she's been keeping to herself," he said as he piled scrambled egg onto his plate. "But, the Slytherins did say she doesn't seem to be as...abrasive as usual."


"I believe the actual phrase they used was, 'completely-expletive-mental.'"

Sarah smiled at the Corey's use of the word "expletive" and looked over at Merula. She did seem to be in a good mood. She didn't wear so much as a scowl as she buttered her toast. 

Hogwarts Mystery Year 7Where stories live. Discover now