Gryffindor vs. Slytherin

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"I really appreciate your dedication to the investigation, Corey. But I've sort of got other things on my mind at the moment." 

Sarah and Corey were hurrying down the grand staircase so Sarah could cram in some breakfast before heading to the pitch. 

"Right, right. But what about the article in the Daily prophet?"

"What article?"

"The one about the assassin coming to trial?"

"That article came out weeks ago."

"Exactly. Which means the trial will be coming up soon. Aren't you nervous?"

"No. He's a bad man. He'll be tried, found guilty, and sent to Azkaban." 

"'re not worried he'll tell the entire wizarding world that R wants you to be their leader someday?"

Sarah halted, one foot in midair over the bottom step.

"I mean...I wasn't." 

Corey's eyes widened at the change in color on her face. "Good good, because you shouldn't be," he said quickly, grabbing her shoulders and leading her down the remaining steps. "You just focus on winning today! Nothing else matters." 

"...Thanks, Corey."

As she stepped through the doorway to the Great Hall, a great chorus of boos erupted from the table on the far left. The Slytherins, decked out in green and silver, had all jumped up from their seats to holler and give her rude hand gestures. The Gryffindors reacted at once, springing from their seats as well to clap, cheer, and whistle in an effort to drown out the angry hisses from the other side of the room. All noise and movement ceased at once by McGonagall rising from her seat at the head table with a villainous glare. 

"We can talk later," Corey mumbled. "Good luck!"

He hurried over to disappear among the crowd of gold and scarlet. Sarah spotted her team and took her seat among them, piling bacon onto her plate. 

"You ready for this?" Skye asked. 

Sarah nodded, doing her best to push what Corey had said from her mind. She'd received a summons to appear in court only a few day ago; she'd been quite looking forward to telling the wizengamot about Shiratori's crimes. She hadn't considered the things he could say about her.

Shaking her head, she glanced over her shoulder at the Slytherin team. Barnaby caught her looking, and glared back at her. Today, they were enemies. If someone at his table caught him showing her any affection, they'd give him death threats and blame him for any mistakes Slytherin made on the pitch. It didn't stop him from shooting her a quick wink, though.

"Lee's really our only threat. Slytherin lost three of their best players last year," Skye said for the millionth time. "We've got seven great players against one." 

"I'll do everything I can to keep the bludgers off you," said Bean. She took Sarah's hand. "Just make sure you catch that snitch fast, okay?"

She nodded. 

"We have worked hard to get this far," said Orion. "I believe there is nothing that can stop us, so long as we keep our balance."

"Actually, the chances of you being stopped come out to--"

"Shut it, Murphy!" barked Skye. 

Once they'd finished eating, the team rose in unison. The Gryffindors cheered again, and most of their house walked them down to the changing rooms, chanting and waving flags along the way. They got dressed in relative silence, then all gathered around for Sarah's moment of Vivification. She couldn't help but feel hers weren't nearly as poignant as Orion's had been, but at least they were much shorter. 

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