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Sarah tucked in to her shepherd's pie that evening with gusto. The relief of finding Jacob awake and well, combined with her work in Ward 49 and the shock of running into Zenith Xeep again, had worked up quite the appetite. Thankfully she didn't have to do much talking, as Corey seemed content to do the talking for both of them. 

"So that's really all you've missed as far as Prefect duties go," he said, hardly taking a breath before launching into a new topic. "I've been doing a lot of thinking. You know, in between studying for NEWTs, and prefect duties, and the gobstones club." 

"You're a busy man," she said, wiping her mouth on her napkin.

"Right," he said, blushing slightly. "Anyway, I think I I know how we can get some insight into what R is up to."

"Mm?" she said, looking over at him over her glass of water as she took a drink. 

"Yes. What we need is a double agent!"

Sarah swallowed and put down her glass, giving Corey her full attention. 


"Exactly! She's already proven helpful with the Ryusaki clue. Jacob would probably be dead if it weren't for her."

"So, you still think Merula is definitely a member of R, then?" asked Charlie. Now that he and the rest of the circle were back in action, Sarah and Corey didn't have to be as secretive about their plans. 

Before Sarah could respond, Corey answered. "We know she is a member of R, and we have proof!" He turned back to Sarah. "Think about it. We've seen the letter saying she wanted to quit R and we know they wouldn't allow it. So, how about she works for us in secret? It's just like A Rat Among the Redcaps!"

"A what?" asked Charlie. 

"A detective book," Sarah explained, though she'd never heard the title before. "I dunno, Corey. How can we be sure we can trust her?"

Corey tapped his knife against his plate while he thought. "We can't," he said at last. "But I think it's worth the risk."

"You say she gave you information that saved your brother's life?" said Charlie. "Wouldn't that be proof enough?"

"Not where Merula's concerned," said Sarah. 

She peered over at the Slytherin table. Merula sat on the end beside Ismelda, her plate of food untouched. She caught Sarah watching her. Rather than sneering or flashing a rude hand gesture, she watched right back, clearly as lost in thought as Sarah was. Merula broke the gaze first, rising from her seat to stride from the hall. 

"I think I will go talk to her," said Sarah. 

"Great!" said Corey as Sarah stood up. "Let us know what she says!" 

Merula was gone when Sarah arrived in the entrance hall. Hoping she'd gone toward her dormitory, Sarah hurried off toward the dungeons. At the bottom of the stairs, she just glimpsed Merula disappearing around a corner. She followed. 

She'd nearly passed the door to the potions classroom when it opened before her and two blonde hufflepuffs were ushered out by the Professor. 

"Do not return until you've gotten control of yourself, Haywood."

"Y-yes, Professor," Penny sniveled. 

Sarah stopped in her tracks. Snape spotted her and rolled his eyes before slamming the door shut. Penny slumped against the stone wall, rubbing at her teary eyes, while her sister wrapped an arm around her and soothed her with words Sarah couldn't hear. 

Sarah glanced down the corridor. If she didn't hurry, Merula would be in her common room and out of reach before Sarah could speak with her. Beatrice was looking after Penny; she could handle it. She took a step toward the Slytherin common room, but found she couldn't leave Penny in her current state. 

Hogwarts Mystery Year 7Where stories live. Discover now