Family Matters

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To Sarah's astonishment, Dumbledore wasn't that angry with her when she and Corey found themselves in his office the next morning. In fact, it almost felt like he'd been expecting her to sneak out and rescue Corey.

Corey's parents were summoned to the school so they could reunite with their son. They were a jovial, excitable pair, much like their son, and they thanked Sarah over and over again for rescuing their boy. Sarah's arm was still sore hours later from Corey's dad's vigorous handshake.

Together, she and Corey told them most everything that they'd witnessed the previous evening, leaving out one, crucial detail.

Once Corey and his parents had been dismissed, Sarah sat alone with the headmaster.

"Sir," she asked, "What will happen to Merula?"

"Our first priority will be to get her out of R's grasp and return her safely to Hogwarts," he answered. "After that, I am still uncertain."

She nodded. Merula deserved expulsion for everything she'd done, but Sarah still didn't want her to go to prison. On the other hand, she wasn't sure Merula would be safe anywhere but perhaps, Hogwarts. R seemed to be able to reach people no matter where they were.

"You should head to breakfast, or perhaps, bed," said Dumbledore. "I'll write to Alastor and inform him everything you've told me at once. Unless," he gazed over his half-moon spectacles at her, "there is anything else you need to add?"

She looked into his eyes, trying to find the answer within them. If she truly believed that R was evil, then it didn't matter who the leader was. She should let the aurors know, so they could begin tracking down the person responsible for R's crimes.

"No, Sir."

Dumbledore held her gaze for a few seconds more, then nodded solemnly.

"Very well. Take care, Sarah."


As it was Sunday, and as she had little desire to do anything else, Sarah returned to her dormitory and tossed and turned in her bed, finally managing a few hours' rest.

She awoke to a pillow thrown at her face.

"Who--?!" she grumbled. She sat up and took hold of the pillow, ready to annihilate whoever had thrown it.

Skye Parkin stood over her, bedecked in her quidditch robes, her hands on her hips and her scowl pronounced.

Sarah let the pillow fall to her side. "What time is it?"

"It was time for quidditch practice. About half an hour ago. You know, the practice you scheduled? Captain?!"

"I'm sorry." Sarah jumped to her feet. "Tell the team to start running the lion drills."

"I already did."

"Right. Good work. I'll be there as quick as I can."

Skye sighed in disgust and waited for Sarah to get ready so they could walk together. Sarah had hoped Skye would just leave without her. She wouldn't enjoy the hateful looks and lectures on the way to the pitch.

As she'd fallen asleep fully dressed, it only took her a second to throw her hair in a ponytail and grab the clipboard full of quidditch notes she kept in her nightstand drawer, then hustle after Skye through the castle, outside, and to the pitch.

"Can't believe it," Skye kept muttering. "Our team has never been in a more precarious position, and our own Captain tries to skive off practice."

"I didn't try to skive off," she said, practically sprinting to keep up with Skye's pace. "I made a mistake. I had a long night and I took a nap, not realizing how long I'd sleep. I'm sorry."

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