New Departments

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Diego's warning was truer than Sarah would've liked. While most people didn't care who beat who in duels, the Slytherins were extremely pleased that they'd achieved a victory over one of the most accomplished Gryffindors.

Sarah couldn't walk from one class to another without someone taunting her about losing her edge, or predicting that she'd start performing badly in quidditch next. Merula did nothing to encourage her classmates, but she didn't do anything to stop it either. The only thing that helped was Barnaby staring down whoever dared tease her in front of him.

With everything going on at school, she could hardly wait until Thursday, when she could finally go back to the Ministry. After the usual careful inspection from Mr. Munch, Sarah and Tonks said goodbye to the others and hurried up to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

"Welcome back," Moody grunted, rising from his paperwork to greet them. "You lot have been the buzz of the office this week. You really impressed everyone with solving the cursed window caper."

Sarah thought 'The Cursed Window Caper' sounded like the name of one of Corey's detective novels.

"It was just a weather modifying charm," she said again.

"True, but in a building full of qualified adults, a few Hogwarts students were the ones who set it right. Anyway," he grunted, "you can start with a fresh stack of parchment that needs filing."

"Hang on!" yelled Tonks. "What about the impostor?"

Both of Moody's eyes rolled. "Got away."

"Got away?" the girls said together.

"Well, we've no evidence they're still in the building. No more cases of stolen wands or people coming and going at strange times. We were all asking identity verifying questions for a couple days, but that fizzled out."

"Do you know why they were here?" asked Sarah.

"Yep," said Moody. "We searched the building carefully. During the time the impostor was known to have been here, someone tampered in the portkey registration office. We believe at least one portkey to be stolen, though the folks there still haven't determined exactly which."

"They don't know?" said Tonks.

Moody sighed. "That office is so full of junk that its hard to keep track of everything. Every portkey is registered, but the thief knew what they were doing. The records are also gone. So, not only do we not know exactly what was taken, but the office is backed up trying to figure out what portkeys they have, where they're going, and when."

"Do you want us to go down there and check on their progress?" asked Tonks, eager for an excuse not to do more paperwork.

"I've been assured that I'll be the fist to know when there's any news," said Moody. "For now, get started on the paperwork, then we can work out what to do next."

The girls turned to go with slumped shoulders, but Moody held them back. "Hang on, Twycross is coming up the lift." His Magical eye stared in the direction of the elevator. "He'll probably be looking for you two."

Sure enough, Mr. Twycross soon entered Moody's cubicle, a clipboard floating behind him.

"There you are, Miss Spellman. I've come to let you know you've been reassigned."


"Hang on, Twycross," said Moody, stepping up. "She's not even been in my department a full week. They've hardly done more than file papers thus far."

Twycross shrugged. "I'm only the messenger, Alastor. The higher-ups feel her talents are more suited to another area of expertise."

"Where?" asked Sarah.

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