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"Got it!" said Charlie. He stood up to put his book in front of Sarah, pointing to the important paragraph. "Ryu is the Japanese word for dragon."

"Huh," said Sarah, staring down at it. 

"Doesn't exactly clear things up, does it?"

"Well, it is more proof that this whole thing is related to dragons," she said. "But why would Jacob use the Japanese word?" She pushed back from the table, stretching out her legs. "There aren't any dragons native to Japan, are there?"

"No. But a Chinese Fireball has been known to migrate there on occasion."

Sarah sighed. None of it made sense. There was a strong possibility Jacob's burns weren't even caused by a dragon, and yet he was muttering about dragons and speaking Japanese. Maybe Jae was right about it all being a coincidence. 

"Hullo, you two," said Penny. "Thought you'd get to work on your makeup assignments as well?"

They looked up to see their fellow St. Mungo's interns, minus one. 

"Not exactly. No Talbott?" said Sarah. 

Penny's cheeks went pink. "Not tonight. I think he's had enough socialization for one day. You know him." 


"What are you working on?" Chiara asked as they all took their seats. 

"Trying to find out what Jacob meant about 'Chinese Claw Ryu'. Ryu is apparently the Japanese word for dragon, but that's all we got. You lot have any ideas?"

"Hmm," said Penny. "Madam Strout didn't say anything about Jacob having claw marks, did she?"

"No, just burns."

"Then perhaps by 'claw,' he's referring to a potion ingredient? Dragon claws are fairly common in potion making."

Sarah blinked at her. "I hadn't thought about that. What kind of potions?"

"Well, it's most commonly used for brain-boosting potions. But, it can also be used for removing blemishes or in certain hair dyes." 

Sarah exchanged a look with Charlie.

"I doubt R's bothered with removing pimples or coloring their hair," he said. 

Sarah turned back to Penny. "What about Chinese Fireball claws? Is there anything special about them when it comes to potion-making?"

"Not from any potion I know of. Any dragon claw usually works as well as another."

"They are some of the most expensive," Jae offered. "Since they live in China and are pretty high on the list of most dangerous creature known to wizarding kind, they're harder to find than say, a Welsh Green Claw." 

"Hang on," said Chiara. "Did you say R?"

Sarah and Charlie filled the others in on everything that had been going on since the White-Robed wizard had been arrested. 

Penny took her hand. "I'm so sorry, Sarah. We had no idea R was still after you." She looked at the others. "I'm sure the Circle would've done more to help had we known."

"I didn't want to bother you all."

"Well, we know now, so let's get to the bottom of this," said Charlie. 

"I don't get why R wants you to be their leader," said Jae. "I mean, you're the one who foiled all their cursed vault plans. Don't they, you know, want you dead?"

"I've no idea, but right now I'm more concerned with how to heal Jacob," she said. "I suppose tomorrow I can at least tell Madam Strout that Jacob's wounds might not have come a dragon. They could be caused by a potion gone wrong." 

Hogwarts Mystery Year 7Where stories live. Discover now