The Laughing Curse

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Mad-Eye had irked quite a few people with his lockdown order, particularly visitors in a hurry and healers at the end of their shifts. But not a person had entered or exited the building since the laughing curse struck. Jacob's ward had been quarantined so as not to spread the curse to anyone else. He, Penny, and Strout were alone, but the eerie sound of their hysterical laughter could be heard all along the corridor. 

An auror who'd come with Moody from the ministry kept a watch on Madam Xeep, and another stood guard outside Jacob's ward. As Xeep hadn't been effected, it seemed that Jacob had indeed been the intended target. 

"Mad-Eye," Sarah said, rushing forward with Talbott and Chiara. "We brewed the antidote to the Alihotsy draught. It had no effect. And Jae's still looking, but he can't find any evidence of it anywhere." 

"Got to be a cursed item then," he growled. "What would've been something they all came into contact with?"

"Jacob's medicine?" Chiara asked. "His bandages?"

Sarah shook her head. "I touched those things too."

Talbott, who'd been even more silent than usual since the lockdown, held up the shaky hand that clutched the bundle of cookies Penny had dropped. 

"The gifts," he said. "The gifts Penny was passing out. It must be one of them." 

Sarah, Mad-Eye, and Talbott set off at once to Jacob's ward. As soon as she pushed open the door, the chorus of laughter pierced her eardrums. The trio of victims were all laying on the floor, unable to stay in a bed without falling off. They clutched at their sides as they screamed in laughter, the agony evident on their faces. 

"She'll asphyxiate if we don't hurry," said Talbott. 

"Don't touch her," Mad-Eye barked, but Talbott had already knelt down to put a hand to Penny's shoulder. 

It was unclear if Penny noticed his presence.

Sarah eyed the mountain of presents on Jacob's table. 

"How are we gonna--?"


Sarah ducked as a wave of flame shot out of Mad-Eye's wand. The gifts caught at once, smoke rising into the air as they disintegrated. 


A jet of water came out of the wand, and the flames were soon put out. Sarah waved her wand to clear away the smoke, revealing a soggy pile of ash. There was only one item left in the pile that remained unharmed. It was one of those round, muggle music devices. Sarah remembered Professor Silkander talking about them in class. 


"That'll be it," said Moody. "We need to destroy it. Now." 

Sarah bent close to examine it. The plastic case it had been in had melted, but she could still  see the writing someone had left on the disc's surface. 

Get Well Soon! 

"Step back," Moody ordered. Sarah did and he pointed his wand at the CD. "Bombarda! Reducto! Confringo!" 

He tried several more spells to no avail. 

"Sarah!" Talbott cried. 

He was doing his best to hold Penny upright, so it was easy as possible for her to breathe, but her lips were beginning to turn blue and her hand scratched at her throat. The others weren't fairing much better. Tears streamed down Madam Strout's face and Jacob was gagging in between his laughs, as if he were about to vomit. 

"We've got to do something!" yelled Talbott. "I'm going to lose her!" 

Sarah rubbed at her head furiously, demanding the panic to remain buried in her chest. Come on, she thought furiously. You're a Cursebreaker! How does it work? Figure it out!

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