Haunted by the Past

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Jacob had to practically force the truth out of her, and he was even angrier than her mum had been once Sarah finally told her what happened.

"See, this is why I didn't want to see them!" he bellowed, chucking his pillow across the room. "All they care about is themselves and their precious reputation. Never mind what you or I want!"

"Don't yell," she said quietly from her seat beside his bed. She placed her elbow on the bed and rested her cheek on her fist. "I've had enough yelling for one day." 

Jacob's expression softened. He let out a long sigh. "Sorry, Pip. I just can't stand when people upset you, especially them." 

"Maybe I shouldn't have lied to them." 

"No, you did the right thing. I'm more useful dead than alive these days. Although with Rita Skeeter on the prowl, it's probably only a matter of time before everyone realizes the truth. I'm just sorry you had to stand in between me and them. Again." 

"She never believes me," Sarah muttered. "All those years I was convinced you were still alive, that you were still good, and she refused to see my side. Now, I tell her what she's been wanting to hear for eight years, and she calls me a liar." 

"Well, you did lie." 

She glared at him, ready to snap an angry retort, but she saw from the look on his face that he'd been teasing her in an attempt to cheer her up. 

"Yes, I did. What a horrible daughter I am."

"Not as bad a daughter as I am a son."

They chuckled. 

"Well, I better get to the Janus Thickey Ward."

"Does Zenith still not recognize you?"

"No, but Madam Strout says I'm the best chance at helping her regain the memories right before she took the potion. If I can get her to recall working for R, maybe she'll tell me why they stole that wand in the first place." 

Jacob looked doubtful, but he called "Good luck," as she reluctantly rose to her feet and headed out the door. 

"Good morning, Zenith," said Sarah, once she'd arrived at her patient's bedside.

"Good morning...Janice?"


"Apologies, sweetling." Zenith glared angrily down at the bed. A tear welled in the corner of her eye. "I'm not getting any better at remembering, am I?"

"You are, Zenith, I promise," said Sarah. Sarah found she had already forgiven the opera star for her involvement in R. Whatever person she'd been before she'd drank that memory loss potion, she clearly wasn't that person anymore. She was just a sad, scared woman who needed her help. "You may not have remembered my name, but you realized we've met before. And I bet you know why I'm here." 

"It's time for my restorative draught," she said, smiling a little. 

"That's right." Sarah held up the bottle. "Here you are." 

Zenith took it and drank as if it were the first flask of water she'd received after days in the desert. 

She sighed happily, her eyes closing. "Wonderful. Whenever I take this, my head finally feels clear, if only for a while." 

Sarah thought about what to ask Zenith. Madam Strout had warned her not to push the woman too hard, but encouraged her to get Zenith talking about her past to see if it would trigger any old memories. 

"Zenith, do you remember anything about a group known as R?"


"You worked for them."

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