The Servant

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TW: The tiniest bit of smut...? Not a lot I swear; second base at max

When Hajime heard the knock on his door he practically threw his journal in a drawer, overtaken by excitement. He had been jotting down some ideas for a story he might write about later but this visitor was far more important. Hajime ran to the door of his bedroom, the silver crown dotted with rubies practically falling off his head. Hajime threw open the door to see a boy with fluffy white hair standing there holding a tray of food.

"The food you asked for your majesty," Nagito said, dipping in a small bow. On the tray was a simple garden salad with a glass of water. Hajime wanted to comment on Nagito's "your majesty" (Hajime had asked Nagito countless times to refer to him by his name and nothing else) but he bit his tongue. It was required for servants to refer to the royalty they served as "your majesty" or "your highness" and bow in their presence. Nagito would get in trouble if anyone heard him referring to Hajime casually.

"Thank you," Hajime said and stood out of the way so Nagito could take the tray inside his room. Then he shut the door behind him and breathed a sigh of relief. Finally. A moment of privacy with Nagito.

Nagito set the tray on Hajime's bedside table and turned to face Hajime with a never-fading smile. "Finally, a moment alone. It feels like we haven't been alone with each other in forever."

"My thoughts exactly," Hajime murmured as he walked over and wrapped his arms around Nagito. The prince had been incredibly busy lately and hadn't had any time to spend with his boyfriend. Added with the fact that their relationship was against the law. People of the same gender were not allowed to date in their kingdom, and even if they were, Hajime was a prince and Nagito was a servant. Being in a relationship with a prince meant bad things for Nagito if he were caught. He would be considered to be having an affair with the prince, and nothing good would come from that. So they had to keep their relationship secret.

Nagito interrupted Hajime's thoughts by kissing Hajime on the forehead. "Did you want to eat first or make out first?" Nagito asked. He got his answer as Hajime crushed his lips against Nagito's, kissing his boyfriend passionately. Nagito gladly kissed back. The boys held each other while kissing a bit before Nagito pushed Hajime onto his bed. Nagito lay on top of Hajime, pinning Hajime's wrists above his head as he peppered Hajime's face with kisses. Hajime's heart pounded with excitement. This was where he longed to be all the time. Alone with his boyfriend, without a care in the world.

Nagito kissed Hajime as he ran his hands up and down Hajime's chest, joy and pleasure blooming in Hajime's heart. "Am I serving you well, my prince?" Nagito asked with a teasing glint in his eyes.

"Stop it!" Hajime blushed. "Our relationship isn't like that at all!"

"I know, I know," Nagito smiled, cupping Hajime's cheek. "I mean, unless you want it to be," he said with a sly smile.

"Shut up!" Hajime laughed. In response, Nagito reached up and entangled his hands in Hajime's head of spiky brown hair as his lips traveled down Hajime's neck, kissing and sucking on his skin. In response, Hajime made small happy noises.

"You're so cute when you do that," Nagito murmured against Hajime's skin, "you're beautiful in general. But I especially love your surprisingly soft hair," he said, combing Hajime's hair with his fingers. His hand hit Hajime's silver crown. Nagito traced one of the gems on Hajime's crown with his index finger.

"I don't have to wear it if you don't want me to," Hajime said, not wanting to stop Nagito's flow.

"Aw no, it looks amazing on you! You look good wearing it. In fact, it better be the only thing I'll see you wearing tonight-"

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