Tale of Two Fangs Pt. 1

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TW: Blood... I think you can tell what this is about (Side note: This was the first one-shot I ever wrote, so take this story with a grain of salt)

Nagito stepped outside in the fresh air, breathing in the coldness of the night. He loved being outside. Though it probably wasn't a good idea to be outside by himself right now, Nagito insisted on walking to his house alone.

"Nagito, are you sure you want to leave early?" Kazuichi called after him. "We're only going to get a couple drinks, nothing to get us too tipsy!"

"That's alright," Nagito smiled. "I don't much like alcohol, and besides, I have to get up early tomorrow, so I want a good nights sleep." Nagito had went to dinner with his friends Kazuichi, Sonia, and Gundham, and they planned to go to a bar afterwards. But Nagito didn't want to get drunk; he had a busy day tomorrow.

"Alright, but you should at least let us drive you home," Sonia said, a worried expression on her face.

"Indeed," Gundham added. "There is a fiend lurking around these parts at night, and they have claimed many lives."

"Oh come on, I'm not afraid of some serial killer," Nagito brushed it off as if it were nothing. "I don't live too far away, only a few blocks. Besides, my luck will protect me!"

"Geesh, you have too much faith in your lucky streak," Kazuichi sighed. "Oh well, if you'll pick death over a couple drinks that's fine by me." Nagito shrugged. He wasn't the least bit worried. Sure there was a serial killer that was around. Sure they had killed a ton of people. Sure they only struck at night. But Nagito wasn't afraid. He was sure his luck would keep him safe.

Nagito waved to his friends and walked off into the night with a small pep in his step. He had a job interview the next day, for a nice, well paying job. He was glad to finally do something with his life. He had had a couple jobs beforehand but this was one that made him really excited. One that might actually put meaning into his life.

A couple streets away from his house, one of the street lamps suddenly went out. Nagito was startled and jumped a bit. Then he started chuckling. "Is that the best my luck can do to try and scare me?"

"Why? Are you scared?" A new voice said. Nagito turned towards the voice to see an attractive boy with brown spiky hair and olive green eyes leaning on another street lamp. The boy was staring at Nagito with curious, almost mischievous eyes.

"Not particularly," Nagito responded cooly.

"You shouldn't be out alone you know," the boy advised. "There's a serial killer on the loose, right? They could strike at any moment."

"I'm sure I'll be fine. I have good luck on my side," Nagito said. The boy just laughed. "Wow, not even a little scared? You're a weird one for sure." Nagito didn't know how to feel about this boy. He was just standing there at random, questioning Nagito for no reason. The boy started walking towards Nagito, and a small fear started bubbling in Nagito's stomach. He took an unsure step back.

"So you are afraid," the boy teased, an odd smile creeping to his face.

"It's natural for me to be a bit wary," Nagito tried defending himself as he kept backing away. "Like you said before, there's a serial killer out. For all I know, you could be that killer." Nagito was feeling more afraid. The boy was inching closer and closer to Nagito, his body language turning more threatening.

"Do you think I'm the serial killer the police are looking for? The one who killed so many people?" The boy questioned. Nagito felt his back hit a wall. He was trapped. Well, he was doomed.

"Judging from the waves of fear radiating off of you, I'd say I'm correct," the boy smiled maliciously. Nagito swallowed nervously. "How do you-"

"I can smell the fear you're feeling right now." That caused Nagito to feel more afraid. The boy was just inches away from Nagito now. The boy's gaze was crazed, excited, hungry. "Just like I can hear your heart rate accelerating. Hear your blood pulsing through your veins." What was with this boy? There was no way he could have that good of a sense of smell, sense of hearing. Nagito glanced around, looking for a quick exit. There were two routes: one was to Nagito's left, where he could rush back to the restaurant where he was just at, with people. Or, the right, where there were some woods. Nagito had walked back there a couple of times, he could probably get to his house after loosing this creepy boy in the woods. But then again, the woods were dangerous, especially at night...

Suddenly, the boy slammed an arm on the wall just above Nagito's left shoulder. Nagito gave a small shriek. Well, there went escape route number one. "Your fear scent is growing," the boy unhelpfully chirped. Nagito didn't know what to do, what to say. He opened his mouth to scream, but no sound came out. The boy grinned, just enough so that Nagito could see the boy's canines looked a lot sharper than normal.

"You want to escape don't you?" The boy asked. He gestured to Nagito's right. "I do love a good chase. I like the feeling that I've earned a meal. I'll give you a 30 second head start." Nagito didn't need to be told twice. He spun on his heels and raced to the woods, since the other route was currently being blocked off by whatever that... thing was. Fear scent? Pulsing blood? Meal?! What the hell did any of this mean?! But Nagito wasn't too busy worrying about that. The main topic on Nagito's mind was to get away, as fast as possible.

Nagito booked it into the woods, quickly calculating the best route to his house. In all honesty, Nagito wasn't surprised he had encountered the serial killer. It was silly of him to go out alone. And now he was going to pay for it. Nagito pumped his legs as hard as he could. Strands of hair were plastered to his forehead, and his lungs were on fire. Sometimes his mind would play tricks on him. He would imagine he could see the boy peering at him from behind a tree, or see a shadow of the boy beside him.

Soon, the mind tricks occurred less and less, and Nagito started seeing a clear path home. Had he really done it? Had he really escaped the serial killer? Just then, Nagito tripped over a tree root and toppled over, right into a thornbush. The thorns poked and scraped at his skin and Nagito let out a choked scream as he tried getting out but ended up getting more tangled in the briars.

Then, to Nagito's horror, the boy, the serial killer, suddenly appeared in front of him, grinning at him in mockery. "You got far," the boy smiled. Then he reached down, grabbed Nagito's shirt collar, and yanked him out of the thornbush. Before Nagito could scramble away, the boy grabbed Nagito's shoulders and pinned him against a tree. Nagito suddenly got a face full of tree bark. When Nagito tried to get away, the boy grabbed his right arm and pinned it behind his back. "But not far enough," the boy purred, clearly enjoying Nagito's last desperate attempts at fleeing.

Half of Nagito was absolutely terrified. He was about to die. He had foolishly gone out alone and now he was going to be murdered by this serial killer. But another part of him, the crazier part, had an odd sense of calm. Maybe dying to the hands of this serial killer was his purpose in life. He was made to strengthen this serial killers hope.

The boy leaned on Nagito so he couldn't struggle, and he tightened his grip on Nagito's arm with one hand, while using the other hand to brush some hair away from Nagito's neck. "The thornbush cut you. You're bleeding," the boy commented. He took a deep inhale through his nose. "Your blood... it smells... delightful!" His blood? What did his blood have to do with-

Then, the pieces clicked. The heightened senses, the attractiveness, the need for blood, the strength, the speed. This was no serial killer. Nagito had single-handedly become a tasty snack for a vampire. Nagito was astounded. Vampires were actually real? He supposed anything was possible, including vampires, apparently.

The vampire gave Nagito's neck a lick, getting a small taste of his blood from a small cut he got from the thornbush. Nagito was split again. Completely petrified that he was going to get his blood drained by a freaking vampire, while also hoping the vampire thought he tasted good.

The vampire made a small happy noise. He murmured something about this being the best blood he had ever tasted, then without hesitating, he sunk his teeth into Nagito's neck. Nagito let out a small screen of pain but the vampire dug some claw-like nails into Nagito's flesh, signaling to him to shut up. Nagito did so and quieted to small whimpers of pain. The vampire greedily sucked Nagito's blood as Nagito felt himself growing weaker and weaker. It was getting harder to stand, and his vision was getting fuzzier.

"Mmf... please... stop..." Nagito moaned just before he passed out, sure he would never wake up again. 

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