Tale of Two Fangs Pt. 2

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TW: None

Hajime didn't actually mean to hurt Nagito. Yes, toying with the good-looking white haired boy had been fun, but Hajime had only meant to take a little blood, not too much. But once Hajime had a small taste of Nagito's blood, it was a done deal. Suddenly, Hajime truly was the savage Nagito thought he was.

Hajime should have left Nagito in the woods, but part of Hajime didn't want to, for multiple reasons. It was wrong to leave the helpless boy in the woods, and Hajime was looking for some company anyway, he was getting quite lonely. And his blood is too good to let slip out of your fingers, a dark part of his mind whispered. Hajime shook his head. That wasn't the reason Hajime was picking Nagito up and taking him to his house. Not at all.

Hajime carried the unconscious boy all the way to his house. He felt guilt for taking him but also kept telling himself he couldn't leave the boy alone. Hajime arrived home and gently laid Nagito on his bed. Hajime studied the pale boy for a bit, his eyes landing on all the wounds the thornbush gave him, and wincing at the two bloody holes his own fangs put in Nagito's neck.

Hajime made a snap decision and started cleaning the wounds and bandaging them up, trying not to think about how god damn delicious Nagito's blood smelled. Hajime was full, but then again a vampire was never really full. Smelling Nagito's blood made Hajime itch for more. But Hajime had good self control, and soon, all Nagito's wounds were taken care of. Hajime stepped back and admired his work (more like admired Nagito but he wouldn't admit it to himself). Now what should he do? How does a vampire take care of a human without killing it?

Hajime knew humans needed food, so he skipped to the kitchen to start cooking something. Hajime didn't need to cook for himself since he didn't eat human food, so Hajime loved any excuse to cook. Hajime decided to start making chicken noodle soup, because what human doesn't love chicken noodle soup? As Hajime was cooking he couldn't help but admire the smells wafting from the pot he was cooking in. Oh how he wished he could taste human food again. He wished he wasn't this blood sucking demon, cursed to feed on humans like Nagito for the rest of his days.

When Hajime finished he got a small bowl of soup and took it to his room where Nagito was. It appeared Nagito was just waking up. Hajime hovered in the doorway, watching Nagito blink his eyes open. The white-haired boy sat up in bed and looked around, clearly confused. Then his eyes landed on Hajime. His eyes filled with fear but his voice was surprisingly calm when he said, "Oh, you again."

"Hey," Hajime said as he approached Nagito. In response, Nagito moved backwards a bit. "I'm not going to hurt you," Hajime said.

"Yeah right," Nagito rolled his eyes.

"If I wanted to hurt you you'd be dead," Hajime huffed, sitting down next to Nagito.

"Then why did you, um, drink my blood?" Nagito countered. Hajime stared at the ground. "I... I wanted to apologize for that."

"Apologize," Nagito scoffed. "Apologize by kidnapping me?"

"Would you rather I just leave you there?!" Hajime said, growing frustrated with him. Nagito said nothing. "I also bandaged you up I'll have you know," Hajime continued, gesturing to Nagito's wounds. Nagito self consciously touched his neck where Hajime bit him to find bandages there.

"Look, the only reason I attacked you was because I was starving. I usually get a shipment of blood packets to smooth me over for a month, but this month's shipment was two weeks late. I tried to stick it out but... I was just so damn hungry," Hajime was ashamed of himself.

"Wait, so you aren't the serial killer?" Nagito asked.

"No, you're the only person I've drank blood from in over a year."

"Oh..." Nagito didn't say anything for a while until he asked, "What's your name?"

"Hajime, yours?"

"Nagito." The boys were silently staring at

the floor until Hajime cleared his throat, "Well, umm, I made you this." He handed Nagito the soup. Nagito's eyes lit up, but then he looked skeptically at Hajime. "You know how to make human food?"

"I was a human once you know! I wasn't born this way," Hajime growled. Nagito said no more and started eating the soup. His eyes practically popped out of his head after the first bite. "So... good..." he moaned and quickly started eating more. Hajime laughed. "Slow down, you'll choke." Nagito gave a grunt of complaint but did as Hajime asked.

"Well... now that you know about us, do you have any questions about vampires?" Hajime asked.

"Hmm..." Nagito thought for a second. "Can you go out in sunlight?"

"Yeah, we don't burn up. That's a myth."

"Can you see your reflection?"

"Err... no. But I don't really mind. I don't like looking at myself anyway."

"Can you eat garlic?"

"Yeah but it gives me a really bad stomachache."

"Can you turn into a bat?"

"Heck no!" Hajime laughed. It seemed Nagito was really interested in this vampire talk, for some reason. Nagito finished his soup, so Hajime quickly took the bowl to the kitchen and went right back. Nagito appeared lost in thought.

"Hajime, why didn't you kill me? And why did you bring me here?" Nagito asked, his eyes curious. Hajime was silent. Why didn't he kill Nagito? He had every opportunity to. And why did he take the boy?

"Well... umm... I didn't kill you because I don't believe in killing anyone," Hajime started. "As for the reason I took you well... there are lots of different reasons. Like I didn't want to leave you in the woods by yourself and..." Hajime didn't want to admit this next part but he supposed he might as well. "And I get kind of lonely sometimes. I mean... I try not to make many friends so the risk of me killing anyone is low." Nagito's eyes changed from curious to full of pity. Hajime wanted to growl at Nagito, to stop pitying him, but then again, it wasn't hurting anyone.

"So it had nothing to do with the fact that my blood tasted good?" Nagito inquired.

"Well that too," Hajime said without thinking. Then he clamped a hand over his mouth. Damn it, why had he said that? Any chance at a friendship with Nagito was now ruined! Humans aren't friends, the dark part of his mind, the mind that made him say the last part out loud, purred. They are fuel. Hajime looked at Nagito. Instead of Nagito running for the hills however, Nagito started laughing. "Is that so?" He chuckled.

"Aren't you afraid of me?"

"No, not anymore," Nagito stopped laughing and looked at Hajime with a genuine smile on his face. "I believe that you don't really want to hurt me. That you want to be friends with me. I don't know why, something about you I guess. And it would be cool to be friends with a vampire." Hajime couldn't believe what Nagito was saying. Nagito WANTED to be friends with him? "Besides," Nagito continued, fidgeting with the bedsheets. "You might need some more blood before your shipment gets here." Did Nagito just give Hajime permission to drink his blood?? Hajime was surprised, but also grateful. Maybe he could be friends with this attractive boy. Maybe... maybe even more. Hajime didn't think about it and decided to just be friends with Nagito. For now.

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