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TW: Blood again hehehe what could this possibly be about?

Hajime heard the knocking on his door around midnight. He was having a hard time sleeping so he went to the kitchen to make himself a snack. After successfully making some toast, there was a knock at the door. Hajime looked over at the entrance, feeling a pang of fear. Who would be at his door around this hour? Surly no one good. So Hajime continued eating his toast, praying that the knocking would go away. But it didn't. The knocking continued, getting louder and louder until it turned into intense pounding. "HAJIME HINTATA! COME TO THE DOOR OR WE'LL BREAK IT DOWN!" The fear in Hajime grew, swirling around in his chest. Hajime had to swallow that fear as he took hesitant steps towards the door.

Hajime opened the door a crack, exposing half his face to whomever was out there and gave a shaky, "Hello?" Hajime examined the situation before him as best he could with one eye. He could see at least five guards uniformed in black standing at his doorstep, the guards in charge of policing this small village. Hajime gulped again. Five guards, possibly more, were never good. "Can I help you?" he asked, willing his voice not to shake.

"Hajime Hinata, you are under arrest," the guard in the center of the group, probably the main guard, barked. Hajime's heart pounded as his eyebrows raised the top of his head. "Wh-what?" he exclaimed.

"Open this door all the way!" Main Guard demanded.

"No!" Hajime screamed, backing away from the door as fast as his legs could take him. "I haven't done anything wrong!" Backing away was not the correct thing to do as the guards easily shoved the door open and quickly filed in Hajime's house. There was nearly double the amount of guards than Hajime had first perceived. Hajime took a few seconds to mentally run through the last couple of days. Had he done something illegal? Had he stolen from anyone, or not paid his taxes? No, he had done nothing of the sort! All he had done was hang out with his best friend, Kazuichi Soda, and cook him dinner!

Soon, Hajime was surrounded by guards. Panic began to settle in and Hajime could feel beads of sweat form on his forehead. "What have I done?!" Hajime exclaimed, a hint of desperation in his voice.

"You are being accused of murdering Kazuichi Soda," Main Guard said. Hajime stopped breathing for a second. He surely hadn't heard the guard right. Hajime was being accused of murder? Of his best friend?!

"K-Kazuichi's... dead?" Hajime squeaked, his voice barely a whisper.

"You were the last one seen at Kazuichi's house; we are to arrest you and investigate you fully," Main Guard said, taking a few steps toward Hajime. Hajime's hands trembled and there was a lump of tears in Hajime's throat. Kazuichi was murdered? And Hajime was the one they suspected?! He would never kill his best friend!

More guards started to inch closer to Hajime, and Hajime felt the adrenaline start to rush, the fight or flight reaction taking over. And Hajime was a fighter. Without a second thought, Hajime swept Main Guard's legs out from under him, reared around, and punched another guard. There was no way they were going to take him. He was innocent!

As the punched guard stumbled backwards, Hajime shoved past him and ran for the door. The guards clearly didn't like this, and started attacking him. Hajime punched and kicked and fought as much as he could, but there were nine guards and one of him, and before long, he was kneeling on the ground with his wrists tied behind his back, covered in bruises. Main Guard approached Hajime, clearly pissed about the whole "getting his legs swept out from under him" thing. Hajime grunted and struggled, desperate to escape. "You have the wrong person! Please, you have to understand-"


The sound of Main Guard's hand slapping Hajime's face rang in his ears. The pain still stung a little every time Hajime thought about it.

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