Gamble of a Lifetime

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TW: First Person (jk that's not a trigger I just hate writing in first person)

I run down the halls as fast as my legs could take me. Enoshima was doing another gamble today and she did NOT like it when I was late. I didn't know why she made me come to every gamble. Yes I did, but I hate admitting it to myself. Today must be a special gamble for Enoshima today, because she wouldn't tell me who she was going against. Perhaps she's gambling against madam President, Celestia Ludenburg.

I secretly hoped whoever was gambling against Enoshima would finally beat her. Junko Enoshima was one of the most popular, attractive, and successful gamblers in this school. She gambled almost daily. She was the most popular gambler in the entire school, well except the President and Nagito Komaeda, someone I've never met personally but I've heard makes crazy insane gambles.

As I head to the classroom where the gamble is, I try to ignore the judging looks and idle whispers from other students. I try not to notice, but I can see them eying the tag around my neck.

"...lost a bet..."

"...financially incompetent..."



I keep my eyes on the ground. The constant banging of my housepet tag on my chest as I run is a constant reminder of my losses, my failures. Okay, so I tried to make some money to pay off some debts by gambling with Enoshima, it ended up in my loss and me becoming her housepet. And she never, ever lets me forget it. She orders me around constantly, forces me to do everything for her, makes me come to all her gambles. Being a housepet sucks. It's the lowest of the low. I've hit rock bottom. And there is no way for me to go back up.

I finally arrive at the classroom out of breath. "Geez, glad you finally decided to show up," Enoshima greets me with a sneer.

"So sorry! Am I late?" I ask, trying to be as polite as I can muster.

"I guess not," Enoshima rolls her eyes and beckons for me to stand next to her. A small crowd of people have already gathered even though Enoshimas opponent hadn't arrived yet. Probably all people in Enoshima's little "fan club". Enoshima is actually a fashionista and comes from a very wealthy family, so almost all of the school adores her. Heh, if only they could see how much of a bitch she really is.

I approached Enoshima and gave her a pack of cards. "Fresh," I say, "haven't been opened yet." Enoshima just nods and snatches the cards. "Just curious..." I say, hoping she doesn't get mad for my speaking out of term, "but who are you gambling against?"

"I've got myself a gamble against Komaeda Nagito," Enoshima smirks. My eyes widen. Nagito Komaeda is a crazy gambler and has never lost a game from the rumors I've heard. I've never actually seen a Komaeda battle, but I've heard they're pretty intense. Apparently, Komaeda will make insane bets, ones that would cost him his life. And he also likes playing mind games with his opponent. I shudder just thinking about it. I hope I never have to gamble with him some day.

"Wow really? Why?"

"Enough questions! I don't have to tell you anything!" Enoshima snaps. I wince and shut my mouth tight to stop from saying anything. "But if you must know," she sighs, studying her nails, "I've heard Komaeda is unbeatable. So I'm going to be the first one to take him down." Then she gives me a sickeningly sweet smile that makes me want to gag every time I see it. "And you're going to help me achieve that, riiiiight?" I have no choice but to nod.

We're interrupted by a new person in the room. "Hello Enoshima," a boy with white fluffy hair says as he walks into the room. The room quiets to a hushed whisper as Komaeda enters the room. Everyone has heard about him and his crazy gambles. They must be wondering what cards he's going to throw today, me included.

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