Inner Demons

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TW: Blood, Vomit, Abuse, Death, ...Demons

Hajime paced around his favorite tree, waiting impatiently for his best friend to show up. Maybe he should call him again? That would be a good idea. Hajime opened his mouth to call for his friend again when a familiar pink haired demon blinked into sight.

"Boo!" Kazuichi screamed. Hajime just sighed. Kazuichi's face fell. "Did I not scare you?"

"Kaz, you've tried the whole 'become invisible to try to scare Hajime' thing a hundred times and it has never worked. I can always sense you're there."

"Aww man," Kazuichi stuck his tongue out at Hajime. "I'll get you one day."

"Well that's not what I needed to talk about," Hajime sighed and kicked at the snow on the ground.

"How are you not freezing?" Kazuichi chattered, rubbing his arms with his hands.

"I'm a fire demon," Hajime huffed. "I don't get cold." Hajime was starting to get impatient with Kazuichi. Kazuichi scratched his head by one of his demon horns. "So what did you need?" Hajime blew out a breath of air. It was now or never he guessed. "I kind of accidentally killed Red."


"Nagitos boyfriend."

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Kazuichi's eyes were practically popping out of his skull, and rightfully so. "What the hell happened?!"

"Well you know how Nagito's boyfriend is toxic and abusive?"

"Yes we all know this."

"Well I found Nagito almost unconscious and I kind of went berserk," Hajime sighed. "I'm surprised I didn't light his house on fire." Hajime wished he didn't like Nagito as much as he did. What demon would ever fall in love with a human, a demon slayer no less? But when Hajime saw Nagito lying on the ground covered in bruises, a part of him ignited and roared to life. A part he had never felt before. He screeched at the top of his lungs and ran for Red as fast as he possibly could. All he could see was red. Red rimming his vision, Red's red hair, Red's blood as Hajime broke his nose. He remembered feeling the crack of Red's bones as Hajime punched him over and over again. The sight of red liquid gurgling out of Red's mouth. The feeling of his hands wrapped around Red's throat, burning him while choking him. And Hajime hated to admit it, but it felt good. Hajime had gotten revenge for all the pain Red had caused Nagito. Finally, the man who had manipulated and hurt Nagito for so long was gone.

"How did Nagito take it?" Kazuichi asked.

"Not great but not terribly," Hajime shrugged. He remembered walking over to Nagito. Nagito was cowering in the kitchen, his knees pulled to his chest. He was shaking like a leaf. He had watched the entire thing. Had watched as Hajime murdered Red, Nagito's torturer but also his lover. But Nagito wasn't entirely sure he loved Red. Maybe he was in love with the idea of being in love. Hajime didn't know. Humans were confusing.

Hajime remembered Nagito's wide, fearful eyes. Hajime didn't know how to snap Nagito out of it, so he did the first thing that came to mind. He started bandaging Nagito's wounds while quietly soothing him, apologizing over and over again and trying to comfort him. Nagito said nothing. Until he finally stood up and vomited in the kitchen sink. Hajime stood with Nagito the whole time, rubbing his back with one hand while holding Nagito's hair back with the other. Once the contents in Nagito's stomach had been emptied, Nagito started sobbing. Hajime handed him a glass of water and asked if Nagito hated him. Nagito shook his head.

Hajime didn't know what to do next. He knew it was well past midnight, so he picked Nagito up and carried him into his bedroom, telling Nagito to close his eyes as they passed Red's body. Then Hajime laid Nagito down and covered him with a blanket, Nagito still crying.

Finally, Nagito said something. "Why?" He choked with tears in his eyes. "Why would you do that?" Hajime felt his heartstrings being yanked. He knew Red was bad for Nagito, but what if he made the wrong decision? Hajime shook his head clear. He knew he was in the right. Red had been hurting Nagito for too long.

"I couldn't stand seeing you unhappy," Hajime said. "It tore me to pieces seeing the bruises on your arms and face. I didn't want Red to keep hurting you. You mean a lot to me and I hate seeing you hurt. When I saw you unconscious, I don't know, I just freaked out." Hajime finished. Nagito sobbed again. "I loved Red," he sniffled.

"No you didn't," Hajime said. "Red was manipulating you into loving him." Nagito said nothing. Maybe he realized more than he was letting on.

Hajime reached over and held Nagito's face in his hand. Nagito looked at him with teary eyes. "It'll be okay," Hajime soothed. "Just go to sleep, it'll all be better in the morning." Then Hajime sent some sleep commands into Nagito through his fingertips. He wasn't great at sleep magic. He couldn't manipulate people's dreams, just make them fall asleep. But as Nagito closed his eyes and fell asleep, Hajime silently prayed Nagito was blessed with good dreams.

And that brought Hajime to here.

"Damn, that's rough." Kazuichi blew out a breath of air. Hajime nodded. "And that's why I need your help."

"Ugh, I know what you're gonna ask me," Kazuichi huffed.

"Please kaz? Help me out?" Hajime pleaded. Kazuichi sighed. "Fine. Are we burning or burying?"

"Either works. Just help me get rid of the body and help me clean up Nagito's place. It's a mess."

"I bet."

"I just want it to look like nothing happened."

"That'll make Nagito forgive you," Kazuichi snorted. Hajime rolled his eyes, but inside, he hoped Nagito found it inside himself to forgive Hajime. Hajime didn't know what he would do if Nagito wasn't in his life anymore.

"Alright then," Kazuichi rubbed his hands together excitedly, "let's get rid of a body!"

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