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TW: Suicide

Hajime hated flowers. Well, more like he hated the flowers that randomly appeared on his skin every so often. Like today for example. Hajime was just minding his own business, getting ready to leave for the coffee shop when suddenly, he felt a small... sensation on his left wrist. It didn't hurt per say, it was more like alerting Hajime that something was happening. Hajime sighed and glanced at his wrist, and, as usual, small white flowers started blooming on his skin.

This had been happening for longer than Hajime could remember. Probably ever since he was born. At random points in time, flowers would start blooming on his skin. He had talked to his parents about it when he was little, begging them to explain this supernatural phenomenon. They only had one explanation.

Every time Hajime's parents saw flowers blooming on him, they would tease him, saying, "Aww look Hajime! Your poor soulmate has gotten hurt!" That's what his parents believed. That every time Hajimes "soulmate" got hurt, the flowers would bloom on Hajime in the exact spot, and probably vice versa. Hajime thought it was preposterous, soulmates didn't exist. But then again, it was really the only theory Hajime had to go on.

So Hajime went with the ridiculous idea. That when his soulmate was hurt, flowers would bloom on Hajime. Though Hajime would never admit it to himself, the thought kind of excited him. That there was someone out there who Hajime was supposed to be with. That would love Hajime no matter what. Hajime had also promised to himself that if he ever did find his soulmate, Hajime would love them to the moon and back.

But boy did Hajime's soulmate get hurt a lot. It seemed almost daily there would be a small wound his soulmate would get. Which made Hajime sad. The idea that his soulmate was hurt always made Hajime a little sad. Which is what made Hajime resent the flowers. The protective side of him wanted his soulmate to be safe.

While Hajime was an adolescent, the flowers would appear on common places children get hurt, such as his knees or elbows. But as Hajime entered adulthood, the flowers showed in more worrisome places, like on his left wrist or on his neck. Whoever his soulmate was, was trying to hurt themself. Hajime wanted to meet them pronto so he could stop them.

That brought him to today. It was about 7:00 at night, but Hajime was at a coffee shop getting (surprise surprise) some coffee. He had a big test to study for and he was going to cram all the studying tonight.

Hajime was sitting at a booth sipping his coffee with his best friend, Kazuichi, who was also planning on cramming for the test. Kazuichi let out a yawn. "Man, I'm so damn tired. I've been working all day! I wish we didn't have that stupid test tomorrow."

"You and me both Kaz," Hajime sighed, taking a big swig of his coffee. Suddenly, there was a loud thud coming from the opposite side of the cafe. Curious, Hajime craned his head around to see quite a sight. There was a boy with fluffy white hair on the ground, holding his arm in pain. The barista let out a squeal and ran over to him. "A-are you o-okay?!" she said, her choppy purple hair flowing behind her as she ran to him. The man chuckled as he got to his feet. "I'm all right," he gave a pained smile, "there was a wet spot and I must have slipped." The man held his left arm in pain. "Ah, I'm sure that'll leave a bruise," he murmured, then turned to leave.

"H-hey! Wait! You forgot your c-coffee!" the barista yelled after him.

"Hajime! Look!" Kazuichi said, taking Hajimes stare off of the man.

"Did you see that guy fall? Dang, that looked like it really hurt..." Hajime said, his mind refusing to let go of the image of the white haired man.

"No, not that! Your arm!" Kazuichi pointed at Hajimes left arm. There were white flowers blooming on a large area of his left arm. Kazuichi gave him a stupid grin. "Looks like your poor soulmate got hurt!" Hajime rolled his eyes. "Geez Kaz, you're as bad as my parents-" then, it dawned on Hajime. The man. He was clutching his left arm in pain. Hajime looked back at the flowers. They were in the exact area the man was holding. Hajimes eyes widened. Could it be? No, there was no way. But still...

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