The Vampire Killer

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TW: Implied Smut, Death, Alcohol, Sexual Assault (no details but it's hinted at) (First person again... yaaaay)

His eyes were an intense green.

His hands were freezing cold on my skin as they caressed my naked body.

His smile. His smile was so inviting, so seductive, and yet it dripped with menace.

"This might sting," he purred in a soft, smooth voice as cool as ice as he sank his fangs in my neck, sucking my blood like I was a capri sun. My vision swam as I lost nearly every drop of blood to his hunger.

Before he was finished with me, he studied me, blood dripping from his fangs onto my bare chest and abdomen. "It would be a waste for someone so attractive to die," he commented, then bit the other side of my neck. The venom felt like hot acid going into my body.

Then he left me there, in that abandoned cabin, to writhe in pain as my mortality slipped away and I slowly (and very painfully) transformed. He stole three things from me that night. My blood, my virginity, and my life.


Ugh. Vampire blood is disgusting. I let my victim fall to the ground in a heap of blood as I try not to gag from the sour taste of vampire blood. I swept a sleeve over my mouth, trying to wipe the blood off, but it only spread the blood around. Before, I didn't know vampires had blood. I thought they were cold statues. If vampires had blood, why couldn't they just drink their own blood and leave humans alone? (Side note: I tried to drink my own blood. Didn't work).

I heard a whimper and turned my head to see a teenage girl cowering in fear. I didn't blame her. I could feel the blood dripping off of my chin and making small "plop" noises on the concrete. I looked exactly like the monster she thought I was.

"Are you all right?" I tentatively asked. The girl just shrunk back even farther in the shadows. She smelled so good right now. Her blood smelled worlds better than this vampires disgusting blood.

How could I tell the difference between human blood and vampire blood? Think about it this way. Picture some milk in your fridge. It looks just like a normal jug of milk, right? You take it out, pour out a glass, and get your Oreos ready for dunking (god I miss Oreos). But you have to take a sip of the milk first. How could you not? The milk was arguably better than the Oreos! So you take a swig of the milk, but ugh! You spit it out all over the table! You had carelessly let the milk expire, and now it was sour. What a disappointment. But, sitting next to the jug of sour milk was a jug of chocolate milk. Arguably the best kind of milk (and went great with Oreos), you would just pour a new glass of better, not expired chocolate milk to ease your taste buds. Perfect plan, right?

In my situation, human blood was the chocolate milk, and vampire blood was the sour milk. But the second after I felt those fangs in my mouth five years ago, I took an oath to never drink a drop of human blood. Ever. Instead, I would get revenge. Play an uno reverse card on them. Curse the damn species that had cursed me to live forever on nothing but blood. I killed vampires and drank their blood for sustenance. I would protect the humans of the world, even if it meant I would never really quench my thirst.

I kneeled down next to the vampire I had just killed and ripped the stake out of his heart. Draining their blood can only get you so far when it comes to vampire hunting. It certainly weakens vampires, but it doesn't kill them. What you really need are the old fashioned tools; a silver chain whip and a wooden stake. I use the chain whip (wearing gloves of course. I made the mistake of touching it with bare hands once. Boy did it burn) to restrain my fellow vampirin, and use the wooden stake to end them. Then I would take as much blood as my stomach could handle.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2022 ⏰

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