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TW: What do you think? (Unpopular opinion: the Twenty One Pilots version was better please don't hate me)

Hajime took a deep breath before entering the hospital. He inhaled through the nose, took a few seconds to really fill up his lungs, then let it out through his mouth. He wanted one last breath of fresh air before he went inside.

Hajime gripped the bag he was holding tightly before heading inside. He quickly checked in at the front desk. The front desk lady didn't even need to see his license to prove who he was; he was a regular visitor after all. The desk lady just gave Hajime a sympathetic smile and asked if he was going to room 428. Hajime nodded, focusing on nothing but the lady's smile. She probably didn't mean it. She probably gave the same smile to every visitor. The lady waved Hajime on and Hajime all but ran to room 428.

Hajime approached the door he had become all too familiar with in the past three months. He quietly rapped on the door. "Come in," a voice said from the other side. Hajime opened the door and stepped inside, the overwhelming amount of whirring and beeping machines never failing to scare the brunette. Hajime's eyes immediately traveled to the patient lying in the hospital bed. His heart broke a little every time he saw Nagito, his fluffy-haired husband, lying there in the bed. He looked so small and so weak. Nagito was currently asleep, and Hajime prayed he was having good dreams.

"Ah, Hajime," the voice from before said. Hajime glanced at the doctor, the one who had been taking care of Nagito these past few months. "How is he doing?" Hajime asked, a hint of worry in his voice.

"He hasn't changed much since you left four hours ago," the doctor said, "he fell asleep a little after you left." Hajime was glad Nagito was getting some sleep. Back when the cancer didn't exist Nagito had an extremely hard time falling asleep. But now, that was all Nagito could really do. Sleep.

"I'll leave you two alone," the doctor said before leaving the room and shutting the door. Hajime felt relief. He had a small doctor phobia, and the fear had been heightened over the past few months. He hadn't heard any good news from a doctor in a long time. Hajime quietly moved over to Nagito's left side, sitting down on the cot he had been sleeping in for the past three months. Hajime hadn't left Nagito's side unless he absolutely had to, like today for example.

Hajime watched the slow rise and fall of Nagito's chest and listened to the symphony of the hospital room. The beeping of the heart monitor, the quiet *shhhhh* of the oxygen from Nagito's breathing tube (Hajime didn't think he

would ever get used to his beautiful husband's face being obscured by a breathing tube), and Nagito's raspy breathing. Nagito's cancer had originally started in his liver, but the cancer had spread to many of his organs, including his lungs, so breathing became one of the many new challenges Nagito had to face, along with not eating, not walking, or even not being able to shower or use the bathroom on his own.

Hajime watched Nagito sleep for a while, not wanting to disturb the white-haired male getting much-needed rest, but eventually, Nagito's eyes blinked open. His eyes wandered around the room for a second as if he were confused about where he was before they settled on Hajime. Hajime had to really make an effort to keep in a shudder as he looked at Nagito's eyes. His eyes had faded in color and were almost grey, and they were tainted with yellow, a sign of liver failure. Hajime plastered the most believable smile he could manage on his face. "Good morning angel," he said, "or might I say goodnight."

"'S dark already?" Nagito murmured drowsily. Hajime nodded. Nagito had been sleeping for larger periods of the day. Hajime feared the day Nagito didn't wake up. Hajime stood and walked three feet from his cot to Nagito's bed and gently grabbed Nagito's hand.

"Did you bring what I asked for?" Nagito asked. Hajime nodded and then started pulling objects out of his bag. He had left earlier to run some errands. First, he visited with some of his friends and updated them on Nagito's status. Some of his friends, like Mikan and Sonia, were glad to get the updates while others, like Kazuichi and Fuyuhiko, were not. Kazuichi was Hajime's best friend, but it was no secret he didn't like Nagito. Hajime had once overheard him and Fuyuhiko talking about Nagito.

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