Meeting The Kings

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She was gone. She left us all alone. The sun was covered with thick gloomy looking clouds and the rain heavily clapping the ground. It was like the sky was also grieving with us. My eyes sore from crying, my heart numb, my tiny hands wrapped around my father in order to feel the warmth that left us. I was dressed in a black fork while my father was dressed in a black suit, his eyes full of loss, emptiness, sadness and most importantly longness. My mom died today. She was hospitalized for 3 months fighting cancer. And today, she lost the battle.
My papa was cradling me while we both were lost in our own worlds. Many people were coming to pay their respect and condolences.
My parents were well known people. My father belonged to one of the 3 most richest and powerful families in the world. We were the second while my mother belonged to the 3rd family. All 3 families known as 'King' 'Reid' and 'Kinsley' were the top and the most powerful mafia families in the world. My father married my mother who was a Kinsley when they fall in love. The Kinsley family gave all their power to me as i was the sole heir of my mom. My mom was the only heir and she passed down everything to me hence making me the only one heir to both families. The kings, Reids and Kinsleys were friends since 4 generations. My father and mother have told me alot of stories and adventures of their youth in which the Kings were included. They were all friends since childhood - My father, my mom, my uncles and the kings. I had never met them because after they lost Mrs. King, they all stopped going anywhere.
I came out of my thoughts when i heard lots of roaring sounds - cars.
Just then the gates opened and in came the famous kings. They were known to be secretive and not going anywhere public. When they entered, the aura turned dominant and powerful around them, making everyone go quiet. I was still lost in my world when a big hand patted my head. I flinched and backed away now facing the man who stood tall and powerful with blue eyes screaming sadness, loss and adoration. My eyes went to my father and he said " Princess , this is my best friend Alexander Xavier King". I looked at the man and slightly bowed in respect. Alex smiled and kneeled down to reach my height and said, " Hey Princess, you don't remember me but i do, you've grown so much little girl. I saw you when you were born and now you are 8. How the time files". I stared at him for a minute and turned my focus back on the floor. "She haven't spoken since the morning" my dad informed Alex sadly. Alex looked at me for a moment and said, " Princess, you know i really missed you and not only me but my son also missed you alot. You held his finger when you were born, he was only 4. Do you wanna meet him?". Without waiting for my reply he called someone's name, which was enough to give me goosebumps." Damon! Come and meet her". As i was looking at the floor, i saw shoes coming my way. I raised my head and met his eyes. I have never seen such beautiful sapphire blue eyes which held an ocean in them. Those eyes, those electrifying scenic eyes held sadness, love and adoration. I was lost in those eyes. He smiled at me softly showing his dimples. I heard a small gasp from behind him and that was when i noticed that we had more company. Behind him stood 3 boys, all of them around the same age. They all were beautiful but unfortunately my focus was retained back when he cleared his throat, glaring at them while all 3 had small smirks. He spoke for the first time and i was at awe at his voice. " You've grown so much amore." he lightly caressed my cheek and i unintentionally leaned in his touch. "Do you remember me?" he asked softly. I just kept staring at him. He added, " My name is Luca Damon King and i want to be your friend, do you want to be my friend?". His full name gave me shivers and as i was about to nod, a voice made me look at the owner," After the rituals we are taking Ayra with us because she needs a mother figure in her life " the voice was non other than my aunt - my mom's cousin sister. The whole room became quiet and i quickly looked at my father in shock. My father raised his voice a little and said," my daughter is going nowhere. She stays with me, with her father "." She needs a mother, a caretaker Lorenzo!" my aunt matched my father's anger. "I can take care of my daughter, i am her caretaker!" my father said. "YOU ARE A MAFIA LORENZO! A MAFIA WHERE SHE IS NOT SAFE AT ALL AND YOU KNOW IT" yelled my aunt making me flinched hard. Damon saw me and held my hand gently yet tightly. My father remained silent for a minute and calmly said, "She is going nowhere, end of discussion" and went outside. Alex and my other uncles followed him leaving me in the huge warm arms of Damon. I looked up at him and spoke for the first time that day, " will you stay with me forever Lu?", he visibly melted and lovingly said " of course mi amore, i won't ever leave you. You are mine and i am yours". I smiled a little and snuggled in his chest causing him to chuckle and kiss my forehead. Meanwhile the invisible three lads were dumbfounded seeing their best friend being so gentle and loving with a kid. It was the first time after his mother's death that he was showing emotions. They never saw him behave like that and the three then and there knew, the little girl was going to be the biggest part of their lifes.

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