illegitimate child

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The tensed atmosphere around the cell was thickening every second. The question asked by Ayra was echoing in everyone's mind. Ella, who the question was directed to, was frozen in her place. How does she remember him? She shouldn't remember him. Questions were roaming in Ella's mind.

With a hushed timid voice, which was barely audible, Ella asked, "You remember him?" Ayra looked at her, closed her eyes remembering every little detail and said, "How could I ever forget him?"
Damon stilled hearing this. No! His Amore can't love anyone else romantically. She said it herself that she was his. He balled his fists tightly and patiently waited for the entire conversation to take place because he was not going to start assuming different things which may ruin his relationship with Ayra.

Ella blinked rapidly and shaked her head in disbelief, "No, No this cannot happen. You can't remember him. HOW DO YOU REMEMBER HIM?" She yelled at the end causing Ayra to flinch slightly. Seeing Ayra finch, Zander banged the cell hard in anger and Damon yelled back in an intense angry tone, " YOU BETTER WATCH YOUR TONE!" This caused Ella to flinch hard and a whimper was heard from her.

Ayra stepped forward, to get Ella's attention back. She pleadingly asked, "please, tell me where he is. He would be so lonely out there. And-and he is also very allergic to peanuts, what if he ate them accidentally? I've been trying to find him the whole time, please tell me where he is."
The 6 males frowned in confusion. What was she talking about?
Ella gained some control over her emotions and looked at Ayra with disgust saying, "I don't know where he is and what makes you think he is even alive after all this time huh?"
Ayra looked at her with anger and replied, "I know he is alive because I  heard you that day. You were shouting on phone saying how could he escape and I heard that. So tell me how can I find him."

Alex glanced at Damon to find his eyes blazing with anger and pain so he stepped forward, placed his hand on Ayra's shoulder and asked the most anticipated question all the guys were thinking about.
"Who is Eli sunshine?"
Ayra kept her eyes trained at Ella while replying, "He is my younger brother. He is Ella's son."
Ella shouted immediately, "HE IS NOT MY SON, HE IS A MISTAKE!"
Ayra ignored her shouting and turned towards the 6 males who were patiently waiting for further explanation.
"Eli is Ella's illegitimate son. He was born through a one night stand which she hid from her husband and daughter. When I was kidnapped by the Solkos, he was already chained there tightly. He was so malnourished and so young. He was only 8 years old. So I protected him. The food they gave me, I used to give it all to him so he can gain some energy. We both became close. He was like my younger brother. He even took some punishments for me." Ayra sniffed, tears flowing out of her eyes. Damon's heart broke seeing those tears. He walked towards her and hugged her.

After a minute when she controlled her emotions she continued, still in his embrace but loud enough for everyone to hear, "When they left me at Ella's door, he was left with me. Ella was so angry that she took out her anger on him. I-I tried to protect him, I told her to beat me instead of him. He was so precious, my little Li. We stayed together gor 2 years,but one day when I got home after completing some errands Ella gave me, he wasn't there. She send him somewhere and used to beat me whenever I asked about him. I need him back Luca, I need him with me. He is my brother."

Damon tightened his hold on her and nodded his head while kissing her forehead saying, "I'll get him back baby, don't worry. I'll find him. We'll find him."

Zander with a clenched jaw and low deadly voice asked Ella, "Where is he?" He was too angry to be polite. How dare she hurt his Bella so much. Ella gulped and trembled, "I-I really don't know, if I did I would tell you."

Zander controlled his emotions because he couldn't get anger infront of his Bella. She had already see  so much violence and pain. Not anymore.

Damon took Ayra upstairs again where Mel's recognizing the mood, took Ella towards the lounge and now they both were binge watching Harry Potter series and eating an unhealthy amount of junk causing the guys to shake their heads.

Enzo sat besides his daughter who cuddled up with him making him happy and wiggling his eyes at Damon who frowned and sulked seeing that. Mels who witnessed this, shaked her head in amusement and disbelief.
'Some mafia men they are!'

The four guys walked to the office and sat down planning to get Eli back. Damon was relieved that Eli was a brother not some love interest. The deep breath he took when Ayra mentioned this Eli as her brother was so precious that he was about so cry tears of happiness.

He came out of his thoughts when Aiden began saying, "We need to find this Eli guy. Ri said he was 8 then. Which means he is probably 15 years old now."
Damon nodded and Blake grunted saying, "A teenager huh! How fitting. Teenagers are the worst kind of people to exist in this world" zander raised his eyebrows and said, "You were also a teenager once." Blake replied saying, "And I was absolutely hell. All of us were so weird at that stage. Ewww I don't want another teenager. I don't have that stamina to deal with such vile, arrogant pieces of shits."

Aiden chuckled and said, "He is going to live with us as Ayra wants him back and considers him her brother. Believe it or not, he is family now."
Damon spoke, "Start finding about him. Question Ella or anyone. Get him back as soon as possible. We'll deal with the consequences of teenager when he is here."
Everyone nodded at his command. Then Blake asked Damon seriously, "When are you getting married?" Damon raised his eyebrows at him and replied, "When your sister agrees to." Blake laughed and said, " yeah you need to wait awhile for that. Ayra has too much on her plate right now. Good luck bro."
Damon shaked his head in disbelief thinking where did he found this idiot's of a person.

But yes, he is right. Ayra has much on her plate right now. And adding marriage is going to create a panic in her. He doesn't want that. He wants to give her the fairytale wedding with big ballroom, big gowns and white flowers. He remembers how she used to gush about having big fairytale weddings when she was little.
He vows to fulfill that promise soon. He vows to make Ayra her wife and Donna soon.

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