The most Powerful

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The next morning, everyone was having breakfast except Lorenzo. He had gone early morning in preparation to talk to the two families regarding leadership. Zander was scowling looking at his iPad while Blake was sneakingly putting vegetables on Ayra's plate as he hates them. Aiden and Melanie were having a conversation about food and Damon was busy feeding Ayra who was not in the mood to eat in the morning. Alex was looking at all his kids with a smile on his face and was silently praying to keep them happy always.

2 minutes went by when Zander smacked his ipad loudly causing everyone to halt in their places. Damon asked, "What's wrong Zander?" Zander huffed and replied, "My men can't do a simple thing like hacking. How is it difficult? I need to make them train extra if they are so incompetent." Ayra and Melanie gaped at him thinking, how is hacking a simple thing??

Ayra confusedly asked, "Why do you need people to hack?" Zander froze and changed the topic saying, "Oh it's nothing, just routine check. Anyway I heard you and Melanie are going to shopping today?" Ayra scrunched her eyebrows noticing the change in topic but didn't asked further and replied, "Yeah we are." Damon nodded and said, "After some to my office and I'll give you your credit cards and all. I forgot to give them to you." Ayra nodded giddily and poked at Melanie thinking of spending time with Melanie like they used to.

After breakfast, the guys went to backyard to discuss something and they looked to be in a heated conversation so Ayra walked to Damon's home office and made herself comfortable in his big chair behind the desk. She starting circling in his seat and suddenly got an idea.
She wore Damon's specs which were on the desk and wore them, folded her sleeves to her forearms like Damon and changed her voice heavy and low to imitate Damon.
"No business talks while eating. Blake behave like your age! *clears throat* Sweetheart let's fill your belly. Ohh...... I am the big Bad Don of the World's number 1 mafia family. MY NAME IS DAMON LUCA KING HA H-..."

She immediately widened her eyes and shut her mouth when she saw Damon leaning in the doorway with a soft smile on his face and eyes filled with amusement. Behind him Zander, Aiden and Blake were doing a very poor job to contain their laughter and before anyone could do anything, Blake wheezed out laughing followed by Aiden. Both had tears falling from their eyes due to laughing so hard while Ayra had her hands in her face due to embarrassment.

Blake voiced out, "That was the best imitation anyone could do of Damon. Oh my Godd!" Zander shaked his head at them and smirked looking at Ayra's red face. Damon walked towards her still smiling and amused and kissed her forehead, teasingly saying, "so I talk and sound like this huh!" Ayra closed her eyes and whined out loud, "Why do you have to come at this moment?" Damon laughed out loud and said, "It's okay, there's nothing to be embarrassed about, I'm happy you noticed me so much."

Zander scoffed from the sofa now and said, "She is always looking at you as you are always staring at her. You both are insufferably clingy to each other." Ayra flicked her tongue to Zander who shaked his head at her in amusement while Damon bobbed his nose with hers affectionately.
She stood up and was about to walk to sofas which were occupied by the 3 males, Damon grabbed her waist and pulled her to his lap after sitting in his chair. She gasped due to surprise and lightly smached Damon on his shoulder. Damon took out his Black card and give it to her while saying, "keep it with you, it's yours." Ayra looked at it and asked innocently, "The card limit?" The 3 guys smirked listening to her innocent question while Damon smiled and said, "It's limitless baby. Do whatever you want."

Ayra skipped to Melanie after bidding bye to the boys and showed her the black card saying, "Mels we can do whatever we want. Let's have some fun today." Melanie laughed seeing Ayra's excitement and said, "Yes let's have some fun today but I won't need to use your card. Zander gave me his saying it's mine to use. I don't understand that guy honestly butterfly. Someday he's like he'll kill me and other days he is so caring. Ugh he's so confusing!" Ayra widened her eyes smelling a new love story bloom but stayed quiet to let them decide the their own pace. She was happy though. Her bestfriend and her Brother. What more could she want. She was hella excited.

After a short while, she left with Melanie and 4 cars of security as the males weren't letting them go without proper security. The four males were gathered around the desk with Cane, Rafael and Isabella who came after breakfast. They all were discussing how to invade the Solkos territory to destroy them and rescue Eli, Ayra's chosen brother.

Damon commanded, "We're going to attack tomorrow as all the favors point out that tomorrow would be the best time to act." Zander nodded and said, "My men are ready, I have divided them in teams so Team A would be lead by me while team C by Blake. Damon you will be in Team B who will be in the middle. Cane will be in your team. Rafael, you will be the backup waiting for further orders. Isabella, you will be behind the monitor, being our eyes and ears inside. Aiden be ready in the cars with your medical kit and team to treat onboarding injuries. Is everyone clear?"

Everyone nodded understanding their positions. That's what they were about. Damon was dangerous but Zander was psychotic. Even Damon listened to Zander for advices and strategies. Zander was very good at his job. Without Zander, Damon would be lost. They were brothers in all aspects except blood but that didn't Matter to them. If anyone can take Damon's place... it is Zander.

After discussing even the smallest of things, they walked to the living room where Enzo and Alex were sitting. Enzo nodded at them and said, "The families have accepted. Damon you are now the Don of the three biggest mafia families in the world. Congratulations my boy!" All of them smirked as now Damon Luca King was the most powerful person in the world.

Damon turned to Cane, "Announce it to the world about this news and make sure the Solkos get the news loud and clear." Cane nodded and left to make some calls. Damon's eyes darkened and he said, "Let them be worried, and let them wait for their upcoming demise. I'll kill each and everyone of the Solkos and they would be made example around the world of the consequences you face when you hurt the Kings!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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