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7 years later ~

"AYRA! WHERE IS OUR BREAKFAST?", the now 19 year old girl woke up quickly due to the yelling and realized she overslept. Her eyes widened and she quickly went to her small bathroom to brush her teeth and rushed downstairs to face the wrath of her Aunt Ella. Ella and her husband noticed her and Ella walked towards her pulling Ayra's hair saying, " you overslept huh, how dare you, WHERE IS OUR BREAKFAST YOU USELESS THING?" She shouted pulling Ayra's hair more making her whimper. "I'm sorry, I'll quickly make it" Arya said in a small quivering voice. She hurriedly started making them breakfast while Ella smirked saying " you're not allowed to eat for a week and make it quick, ughhh you're soo useless I wonder how your father tolerated you, but then again you were always a burden to him, you and your bitch of a Mother ". Ayra's eyes got teary hearing that but it was normal for her to listen that. Her Aunt Ella never stopped saying that.

Yes, she knew she was taken but Ella told her that the Reids had some debt to pay so they handed her over apparently as they all were tired of her. And when she asked about Luca, Ella laughed saying " He is a 16 year old handsome guy who has hundreds of beautiful ladies around him, he won't even notice you". The little bean's heart was crushed and since then she was to do all chores, cooking, laundry all by herself. She was treated worse then a maid by her Aunt Ella, Why?.
Because Ella was always jealous of her cousin sister Eliana who was Ayra's mother. Ella wanted to marry the rich Lorenzo but he loved Eliana so Ella had to marry her current husband who was nothing compared to Lorenzo. And when Ella found out that Eliana has a beautiful gorgeous little girl, she became more jealous and envious because her daughter was not beautiful or gorgeous. So after Eliana's dead, Ella wanted to keep Ayra for revenge but Lorenzo refused which humiliated Ella more. She joined hands with Solkos and planned the kidnapping of Ayra. The Solkos wanted Lorenzo's position and the Amulet while Ella wanted Ayra to make her life a living hell in which she succeeded. Ella's daughter was working with the Kings as Ella begged Alex because of financial crisis. That was obviously a lie to make her daughter near Damon so her daughter - Laila can seduce Damon which was absolutely impossible. Ella made sure to hide Ayra far away so no one can ever know about her. She bought Ayra to a small town after hearing how Damon King took over the Mafia early and wiped out the Solkos. She became terrified and ran away to a small town. However the only good thing Ella did was letting Ayra study online so Ayra can work and bring money home.

Ayra was very intelligent for her age. At the age of 19 she already had a degree in Nursing and psychology. But she didn't tell Ella that because to Ella, Ayra was still in college.

After serving breakfast, Ayra rushed to get ready as she do part-time jobs at Lorex - café. She walked to her job place as it was a 15 minute walk. Lorex - café was popular and big because of its stylish interior and amazing Food. Ayra was the chef and sometimes used to serve the tables aswell. Ayra learned how to cook everything on her own and with some help from the sweet owner Maria who was a 65 year old widowed woman with no children. She treated Ayra like her own daughter. When Ayra entered the café through the back door, she was met with a tight bone crushing hug which startled her. " Ayra Ayra Ayra my beautiful, drop dead gorgeous friend how are you?" said a very dramatic Melanie. Melanie or Mels was her first friend since she moved here with Aunt Ella.

Ayra met her at a park when she was crying missing her father and her Lu. Mels came and slapped Ayra on her head and offered her gummy bears. Since then they became bestfriends and started the job here together. Mels know that Ayra's Aunt doesn't treat her humanely and she had told her millions of times to run but little Ayra didn't had the courage or money. Mels however doesn't know about Ayra's real family, her mafia family which is good or else she'll freak out.
Snapping out of her thoughts, Ayra Crossed her hands on her chest and raised her eyebrows saying ," what did you do Mels?. Mels nervously laughed and said" okay so remember Celeb? Yeah that skinny dude? So he's been bugging me to set him up for a date with you and i have been avoiding that because i know you hate relationships for some reason but he offered me knox's number in return so i agreed ". Ayra started at her wide eyed and whisper yelled at her," are you crazy, you sell me for a number, A NUMBER!? " Mels laughed and flicked her forehead saying," drama queen I didn't sell you, i just want you to date, you're 19 live a little ". I blankly stared at her and shake my head, "well you got the number so forget it, I'm not going, just tell him i had some emergency or something" Ayra said walking to the counter and started preparing to cook. "Girls! Gossips at the end, now to the work" yelled Maria. They started working. When Ayra was done she walked home and took some classes and prepared dinner. Then went to sleep thinking what would her life be if she was still at her home with her father.

On the other side, the Kings mansion which was once full of light and little giggles was now dark and gloomy. Alex and Lorenzo were broken because their little sunshine was gone. After no success in finding Ayra, they both busied themselves in work. Aiden became quite, Zander became more cold and Blake stopped joking around. Losing Ayra affected everyone but the most affected was Damon. He became ice cold, more dangerous, scary and most importantly heartless. Anyone in the world who encountered Damon shivered just hearing his name. After not finding his Amore, he became heartless. Even Alex and Lorenzo were sometimes scared of him. Damon had taken over the mafia as soon as Ayra was kidnapped and he became the best and the biggest mafia leader in the world after wiping out the whole Solkos empire.

As usual he was working in his office when Aiden came and informed him about the monthly meeting which was about his team. He nodded and went outside. When he and Aiden were walking outside, the meeting room caught fire because of a clumsy worker who dropped his lighter while lighting a cigarette. Everyone was evacuated and Damon glared at the worker dangerously who was shivering very badly. "let's do the meeting in our home office" suggested Blake. "No we can't, its under renovation remember!?" added Aiden. Zander spoke in a low voice,"we have the library". Both Aiden and Blake turned to Zander with widened eyes as it was not allowed for anyone to go there by Damon. Laila came and clinged to Damon's arm,"let's go to the Library Damon" she said in a disgustingly seducing way causing everyone to roll there eyes. Damon yanked his arm away and glared at her " touch me one more time and you're dead" he said in a ice cold voice making Laila scared. Damon's team had Aiden, Zander, Blake, Isabella, Cane and Rafael. Laila just clinged with Damon all the time even when she was warned. They all sat in cars and drove to the kings mansion. When they arrived, the guards and maids bowed to Damon and they all went to the living room waiting for Damon's instructions. " i donot allow anyone to go to library so some rules must be followed. Donot touch anything. Donot stare at anything. Donot steal anything and we're good" Damon said in a low dominant and warning voice. All of then nodded and followed him.

Aiden, Blake and Zander were kind of excited to visit the library again because the library was formed for Ayra because of her love for books. Ayra was the one who decorated everything with Damon together. That is why Damon had banned anyone to go inside because this room was precious to him alot. Isabella, Cane and Rafael didn't know anything about Ayra because they started working with the Kings 5 years back. Damon took a deep breath and put the code. The door opened and he walked inside to sit on his chair. When the other followed inside, to say they were shocked was an understatement. All their mouths were wide opened including Damon's bestfriends. No one could believe there eyes at the sight in front of them, how could they, Damon King was always calm and collected so no one could imagine that except his 3 bestfriends.

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