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Damon moved to the front and settled in his seat with the others already settled. Zander looked at him and asked, “Is Bella still sleeping?” To which Damon replied by nodding. “She was tired and, its better if she gets sleep because I don't think Uncle Enzo would let her be away from him after he finally sees her.”
The four chuckled, already envisioning the near future of Ayra. 

The pilot announced the took off. Zander glanced at Mels, who was sitting besides him and noticed how she stiffened and closed her eyes when the plane started moving. He amusedly whispered, “Afraid?”. Mels opened one eye and said timidly, “In your dreams.” Zander raised his brow amusedly but grabbed her hand which had turned white with how tightly she was clutching to the armrest. He interlinked his hand with hers which shocked Melanie to the core. She watched him asking for an explanation to which Zander ignored and started talking to Blake who was sitting next to him. 

Mels gulped feeling the butterflies causing a chaos in her belly and at that time Zander quickly left her arm, causing her to notice how they were now in the air and how Zander distracted her through. She took a deep breath and started reading an epub on her phone.

After 2 hours, Ayra woke up confused. This wasn't her room. She grumbled and walked out looking for Damon. The four people, who were busy doing their own things, heard the soft sound of footsteps which caused them to look at the source. There stood Ayra, rubbing her eyes, looking as cute as a little kitten. All instantly melted at the sight. Damon softly smiled and said, “Had a good sleep my Love?” And motioned her to come near him. She nodded at his question and padded towards him, still disoriented from the nap.

Damon clutched her wrist gently and made her sit on his lap. Ayra got a bit flustered but she was too lazy to care about the reactions of the other four people watching the whole scenario. She snuggled and clutched Damon's shirt and closed her eyes, feeling the warmth his body radiated. He tightly held her and caressed her hair with the free hand and whispered, “You hungry sweetheart?” suddenly her stomach grumbled and she hid her face in his neck due to embarrassment. Damon chuckled in her ears, causing her to shiver due to the sensation. Damon ordered the flight attendant for some food and when it came, he spoonfed her, not allowing her to leave from his lap. 

After her belly was fed, Damon put his hand on her belly and patted it softly asking, “you full?” Ayra blushed at the gesture and nodded in affirmation. She adjusted herself on his lap, now feeling energised after the food. Damon sucked a breath and held her in place tightly. He rasped in her ears, “Don't move sweetheart, stay” Ayra understood the meaning and froze widening her eyes. She gulped and blinked her eyes, forcing herself to relax. Few minutes later, Damon patted her hips lightly letting her know it's good. She stood up, face blushed red and settled down on the seat between him and Zander. Aiden worriedly asked, “Ri, you okay? Your face is all red.” Ayra blinked, looked at him and cleared her throat saying, “I-I'm fine.” She stole a glance besides her and saw Damon smirking, staring at her. She instantly avoided his stare and focused on her nails. She heard a soft chuckle and closed her eyes in embarrassment. 

Blake, who was sitting in front of Ayra, asked, “Are you ready Ri, to meet your family again?” The air instantly became serious. Ayra sighed and replied in a small voice, “I don't know. It's just been too long and I don't know how daddy would react. I'm scared.” Zander held her hand and confusedly asked, “ scared about what Bella?” She exhaled and said in a barely audible voice, “ What if Daddy doesn't want me?” Damon instantly cupped her cheeks and made her face him, sternly said, “ No, you won't do that to yourself. Love. You know very well that Uncle Enzo loves you more than anything. Don't overthink it. We all love you and we won't ever leave you again. Okay?”

Ayra's lower lip wobbled but she controlled herself and nodded. Damon pecked her forehead and lowered his hands. To lighten the atmosphere, Blake said, “Ohh it's going to be so much fun Ri. We'll shop, swim in the pool, go cart riding, horse riding your favourite and we'll play pranks!” Ayra chuckled and said, “our pranks were always so fun.” Aiden playfully scoffed and said, “ please! Only you both enjoyed your pranks. Ask me, the one who was mostly your target. Oh I can't forget that green dye ever!”
Ayra laughed and said, “I remember,  it was so funny omg. But don't worry DenDen, we’ll tone them down a bit now, no promises though. ” Everyone laughed at this.

Ayra looked at Mels, who was staring out to the sky, fiddling with her fingers. She moved her gaze to Zander and motioned him to change seats so she could talk to her best friend. Zander understood and changed seats with Ayra causing Damin to frown due to the distance between his Amore and him. But as a gentleman he is to her only, he understood and started checking emails in his laptop. The other 3 guys also started working on their laptops or phones to avoid spending work.

Ayra put her hand on Melanie's Hand and squeezed it lightly to get her attention. Mels came out of her thoughts and looked at her best friend who was looking at her with confusion and a pouty mouth. Mels smiled seeing her adorable friend and questioned, “What happened?” Ayra frowned and replied, “I should ask you that. What happened? Where are you lost?” Mel deeply sighed and placed her head on Ayra's shoulder and slowly spoke, “I don't know how my life will turn out, Ayri. I don't have a family - I mean they don't consider me a part of their family so I don't regret coming with you. But it's not exactly a safe place for me. Your family is a mafia family and you are a mafia princess Ayri and I'm happy for you. But what if I make a mistake? What if I don't meet your family's expectations? I'll have to leave then because I cannot mix personal life with professional life.”

Ayra caressed her hair and slowly spoke, “I understand what you are saying, Mels and your concern is valid but you're forgetting one thing. The day you helped me, the day you accepted to leave everything and come with me, was the day you became a part of this family, of my family. And these guys - they will lay their life's down just to make sure you're safe and protected. Give them and yourself some time and you'll see how quickly they'll open up with you. Don't worry about it at all, okay?” Mels listened to everything and felt herself relaxing. She looked at Ayra, nodded and hugged her best friend. Ayra hugged her back tightly and smiled. 

The guys were secretly listening to everything, being big eavesdroppers they are, and smiled seeing the beautiful friendship of the two ladies. The pilot made an announcement saying the plane would be landing in 5 minutes. They all buckled their seatbelts and Ayra's belly started twisting due to nervousness. 

After a few minutes, the plane landed and the men of The Kings started unloading the things. The 6 of them slowly collected their things and one by one got out of the plane. When Ayra took the first step to the ground, she inhaled deeply and closed her eyes. The first breath of air of her homeland, the place where she was born, the place she loves more than anything, the place she dreamed about every night for seven years. 

Her Home!

Damon stepped towards her and guided her towards the limo, waiting for them to take home, by keeping his hand on her lower back. She felt the jittery feeling and smiled softly, walking towards the car. Everyone settled down and they were off to their Mansion. After 20 minutes, a huge gate was seen where the word, ‘THE KINGS’ was written in the middle of the gate. After entering, Mels mouth gaped open seeing the most beautiful, huge and luxurious Mansion she has ever seen in her entire life. Her eyes widened more when a big fountain came into sight. 

Zander put his finger under Mels chin and nudged her to close her mouth. Mels slapped his hand away, not taking her eyes off the mansion. He snickered and shaked his head. 

Ayra's eyes glazed seeing the place, the place where lived half the time, the place where she fell in love with a certain blue eyed teddy bear, the place where she felt the safest, the place where she felt home!

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