Warm Embrace

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The cars lined up in front of the door of the mansion and Alex walked out with Rafael, Cane and Isabella, to greet the four guys. They didn't have a clue as to why they extended their stay in a small town. As the cars were tinted, they couldn't see inside. Ayra saw her Uncle Alex through the window and tears started trickling down her cheeks. Damon, who was sitting besides her, caressed her back soothingly and whispered soft nothings to make her calm down.

The boys first got out of the car and hugged Alex who was surprised to see the glow on his son's face. He smiled seeing his boys, which turned down when Melanie got out of the car. Alex confusedly looked at the four guys for explanation but got nothing. Damon stepped towards the car and turned to face his father and said, "Where is uncle Enzo dad?" Alex scrunched his eyebrows and said, "He is on the way, he is bringing lunch why?" Damon softly smiled, which again surprised Alex, and said, " We got a surprise dad." 

He extended his hand inside the car and Ayra placed her hand on his warm ones and slowly got down. She faced Alex with tears running down her cheeks. Alex, staggered back, eyes wide open, mouth gaped open. Cane held onto him in confusion. Alex blinked, not believing the sight in front of him. Ayra, sniffed and whispered, " Uncle Alex". Hearing this, tears started flowing down Alex's eyes shocking everyone. 
"My little bean?" He rasped out still not believing. Ayra nodded and ran to hug him. She hugged him tight causing Alex to get out of trance and hugged her back tightly. A sob came out of Ayra which caused Alex to hold her closer. "My little bean, my sunshine! Oh how I missed you, my sweet girl." Alex whispered. Ayra broke the hug and looked at her uncle who was crying profusely.

 She cleaned his tears and sadly smiled, her heart warming. Alex cupped her face and asked, "How are you? Where were you? We tried to find you everywhere. Are you hurt? Are you hungry? Should  I make your favourite lasagna? Do you still like it? I missed you so much, my little bean." 
Ayra softly chuckled causing Alex to blink and a smile formed on his face hearing the beautiful sound. Blake came forward, all amused and a little red eyed from the emotional scene and said, "Uncle, relax. Our Ayra isn't going anywhere. Let her come in first." Alex blinked again and said, "oh yes, you must be tired. Come in all of you." 

Cane, Rafael and Isabella all understood who the woman was. She was Ayra Rose Reid. The sole heir of Reids and Kinsley and the Donna of The Kings. Damon stepped towards her, put his hand on her lower back guiding her inside and whispered, "Welcome back Baby" Ayra shyly smiled and lowered her gaze causing Damon to chuckle. Coming to the living room, all memories started revolving like a film in her mind. She let out a soft gasp seeing the Marks of colour pens on the wall near the hallway. Her eyes became misty remembering how she coloured the wall and demanded everyone not to touch her masterpiece.

Damon made her sit on the sofa and everyone else settled down aswell. Alex saw Ayra sitting close to Damon and softly smiled thinking how these two are soulmates. And how Damon is back to his old self. Alex glanced and focused on the other girl who came with them and asked, "And who are you dear?" Mels widened her eyes and  stuttered because why not? The Mafia Leader was sitting right in front of her. "I'm Me-Melanie sir. Ayra's bestfriend." Zander smirked seeing her stutter and said, "and a feisty cat." She cashed him a glare before turning her attention back to Alex who was watching them amusedly. 

Ayra spoke, " She is my best friend uncle! We've been together for 6 years. She was there when I needed someone. I owe her a lot." Alex sadly smiled and nodded saying, "Then Melanie, welcome to the family. Thank you for taking care of our Little Rose. We are forever grateful to you." Mels blinked and shaked her head saying, "I didn't do anything, Ayra is like a sister to me and I will always protect her." 

Damon interlinked his hands with Ayra's and brought them to his mouth to kiss them, causing Ayra to blush red. Rafael, who was witnessing this with others, widened his eyes and said, " This is so weird. Are you sure this is our Damon, our boss?" Aiden laughed with others and said, "oh you'll get used to this instantly and we'll be getting more holidays and employees would no longer get fired because sitting besides Damon is his redemption, the one who can actually make him calm." Ayra blushed and Alex laughed seeing the two love birds. Isabella smiled and said, "Hello Ayra, I'm Isabella. I am in charge of strategies. Welcome home." Ayra blinked and smiled at Isabella. Cane and Rafael also Introduced themselves.

Just then they heard footsteps coming and they all looked at the entrance to see Lorenzo making his way inside with guards behind him carrying the boxes of lunch. He was on call when he stopped mid step seeing the sight he thought was no longer possible. The phone fell down his hands and crashed on the floor. He couldn't believe his eyes. His eyes widened, his breaths started forming deeply and he didn't blink as he was afraid the sight would vanish. 

In Front of him, a woman who looked exactly like his late wife was sitting next to Damon. Tears formed in his eyes and when he saw her standing up, the dam  broke. He fell down hard on his knees and wailed like a baby. Ayra, who instantly started crying, ran to him and hugged him hard, sobbing. Enzo instantly embraced her in his warmth and started cradling her like when she was a baby. She whispered brokenly, "Daddy" and Enzo tightened his embrace crying agonisingly. 

"My baby, my princess. Oh how you're grown. You look just like your mother. My little princess." Ayra sobbed hard and clung to her dad. After seven years, she was in his warm embrace,  after seven years she was feeling complete. After seven years she let out her pain through tears. She was home, she was finally home and no one would take her away now. She finally allowed herself to be her daddy's little princess. 

Damon was looking at the father daughter duo with sadness and guilt. Her Love was in so much pain. He wanted to go and hug her to himself but he controlled himself. His Amore needed her father and his uncle needed his daughter. Alex, Blake, Aiden, Zander, Mels, Isabella, Cane and Rafael, all had tears in their eyes watching the heartbreaking scene in front of them. Hearing the agonising crying was truly heartbreaking.

Ayra broke the hug and cupped her daddy's face looking greedily at his face. He had aged. Enzo reciprocated the action and cupped her face watching the maturity on his daughter's face. She has grown to be such a beautiful young lady.  He had missed so much of her life, of his only daughter. He rasped out, "My princess, are you okay?" She nodded, still crying and linked her forehead with her father's to bask in his warmth. After a few minutes they both calmed down and suddenly Ayra's tummy made a sound, making her embarrassed. And that is when Damon moved towards them and gently grabbed Ayra saying, "come on let's eat Love. We need to feed that belly of yours." He patted her belly affectionately and wiped her tears. Ayra blushed and looked at her father who was watching them with soft smile.

They all moved towards the dining room to see everything set up. Alex patted Enzo and smiled. Enzo was finally feeling peaceful. His daughter was back, his princess, his baby was back and he couldn't be grateful enough.
He saw Damon taking out the chair and making her sit comfortably before settling beside her. He filled her plate with everything and took the first bite first causing Ayra to scrunch her nose.

Lorenzo knew why Damon did that and he was so grateful to them that they both still have that chemistry, that love. Damon took the first bite to ensure the food was not poisoned or stale. He didn't trust anyone when it came to his Love. Enzo settled on the other side of Ayra and caressed her head lovingly. She beamed at him and fed him a spoonful of pasta. He grinned like he achieved his biggest achievement and looked at Damon wiggling his eyes causing Damon to scoff and sulk.

Isabella, seeing the behaviour of the powerful men towards Ayra, was surprised. She couldn't believe that these men even had feelings. She looked at Ayra with awe, as to how the girl had the most powerful men wrapped in her tiny fingers. How Ayra Rose Reid had unknowing power to control these men who controlled the whole world.

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