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The morning rolled the next day, bringing new rays of beginnings and hope. Ayra's eyes fluttered open and she stretched like a baby rolling in the bed. She turned towards Damon's side to see it was empty. She scrunched her eyebrows and stood up confused. Her confusion melted when she saw the note on her side table.

"Good Morning sweetheart!
I'll be downstairs preparing breakfast for my pretty baby.
Come down once you wake up
Love, your Lu"

Ayra softly smiled and hurriedly went to the bathroom to freshen up. After untangling her hairs with her fingers, she ran down excited to see her Lu. On the way down she bumped into Melanie and the two of them shrieked seeing each other as if they haven't seen each other in years. They tangled their arms together and walked down chatting. When they came near the kitchen, they heard voices. They raised theirs eyes and peeked inside, instantly awwing at the sight in front of them.

Zander was making coffee with butter focus, Blake was sneakingly eating pieces of bacon, Aiden was frowning at the syrup filled pancakes and Damon was trying to feed the two dogs who were growling and ignoring him. Damon frowned questioning, "Why are they not eating? What have I done?" Zander without looking at them answered, "They won't eat unless Bella feed them. They are trying to steal your girl Damon." Ayra blushed hearing that while Mels wiggled her eyebrows at her teasingly. Damon scrunched his nose saying, "Ungrateful little brats" as if understanding, the two dogs barked growling causing Damon to raise his hands in surrender.

Just then one of the dogs, Zeus smelled Ayra and barked happily wiggling his tail causing attention to shift to the two heads slightly poking out from the wall. Damon raised his eyebrows in amusement. Ayra padded inside and instantly was attacked by the two dogs who wanted all her attention. She laughed out loud and began rubbing them as she does every morning. " Are my babies hungry? Dadda didn't feed you did he?" She cooed at them. The dogs barked as if understanding and glared at Damon who shaked his head in amusement.

Damon came near her, kissed her forehead wishing her a good morning causing her cheeks to turn red from the PDA. This man.... sjsmebshkggw
All three guys greeted Ayra by hugging her  and Melanie who greeted them back beaming. Zander glanced at Mels the same time Mels did which caused them both to turn around instantly focusing on what they were doing.

Damon gave the treats to Ayra who happily fed her babies talking in a baby voice making Damon smile at her adorableness. Ayra made Mels feed the dogs as well as she was scared of the said beasts making Zander break a small smile at her shrieking. After feeding them, Damon called everyone to eat when Alex and Enzo enjoyed them. As always, Damon served Ayra and made her  sit next to him making sure she ate everything.

The breakfast passed with Alex telling the girls the escapades of the four guys making them laugh out loud. Mels couldn't believe how someone so serious like Zander can be so much fun. She highly doubted it.

After breakfast when the guys were about to leave for work, Ayra cleared her throat causing all attention to land on her. She shyly asked, "Can I go to the basement?" The six men frowned at the request. Zander came forward and softly asked, "Why? What happened Bella?" She shaked her head and lowly said, "I want to talk to Aunt Ella." All the men stiffened. Lorenzo immediately said, "No! You won't see that vile woman. She has hurt you too much princess." Ayra pleaded softly, "Please, I need my answers. And only she can give them to me." They didn't want Ayra to go down the basement because the sight was not for her innocent self to witness. But when she blinked up at them with those bambi doe eyes, they Agreed.

Damon sighed and said, "You can go but one of us would accompany you. It's not safe to go down alone hmm sweetheart?" Ayra nodded and said, "I don't mind that. Anyone can come with me." Zander asked, "Is it okay if we all accompany you Bella? If not, it's completely okay." Ayra thought for a moment then nodded saying, "I don't mind. I think I would appreciate the company of you all." She glanced at Damon who blinked at her understanding her need of staying close to him.

They all walked towards the basement silently. All in deep thoughts about what Ayra needed to ask. What answers she wanted.

Moving towards the cells, Ayra moved closer to Damon who was right besides her. When he felt Ayra nervous and moving closer towards him, he wrapped his arm around his waist, pulling her closer. Ayra let out a deep sigh of relief which made Damon happy. Zander was in front of them all and opened the lock when they neared the cell holding Ella. The guards standing, all bowed to them and suddenly the air shifted tense. The guards were confused and nervous as all the Kings haven't come down the basement all together and seeing Ayra, their Donna, they became more rigid and focused as they had strict order from their Don, Damon that Ayra is to be protected at all costs

Ella, who was sitting along the wall of the cell with her head leaned in the same wall, suddenly sat straight hearing the many footsteps headed her way. When the kings came into view, she stood up and started trembling. The disgust and pure hatred in all their eyes made her feel soo small that she instantly lowered her head, not able to make eye

Damon spoke sarcastically, "I see you are getting comfortable with your now home, however, I have no interest takking to you. My Love wants to talk to you so you better cooperate." Hearing those words Ella looked up and her eyes widened seeing Ayra who finally stepped out of Damon's back and into view. Ella's mouth hang open. How did Ayra looked so beautiful and innocent when Ella had done everything to make her low.

Ayra looked at Ella and felt absolutely nothing for the woman standing infront of him. Ella yelled out in anger unconsciously, "What the f*** do you think you are playing at?" Before Ayra could say anything, Damon barked out angrily, "Watch how to talk to with her Ella!" Ella and Ayra both flinched at his voice. Damon noticed Ayra flinching and immediately wrapped his hand around her waist and kissed her forehead, giving her comfort. Ayra leaned in his warmth and took deep breaths before facing Ella again who was watching her the whole time.

She closed her eyes and counted 1 to 5 before taking a breath and finally said the words that kept her awake at night. "Where is Eli?"
Ella froze hearing that question. That was impossible. Ayra had never mentioned she remembered. How is this possible that she remembers him now. Thoughts were making Ella crazy who was looking at Ayra like she had thrown icy cold water at her.

The six males frowned in confusion hearing Ayra utter that name. Millions of questions rang in their minds. Who was Eli? What was his relation to Ayra? How did she know him?
The confused and frozen was Damon. Did she love someone else? Is there someone else in her heart? Is Eli that guy? Is Eli the reason she haven't moved on from her past? Thousands of questions echoed in his mind and he prayed gravely to the God above that what he was thinking was wrong and that his Ayra was his.

If that wasn't the case and Ayra loved Eli, he won't be able to do anything because her happiness mattered the most to him. He won't force her to live or love him. Because that's how kuch he loves her. Her happiness and comfort matters the most to him, nothing else. Not even his own feelings matter.

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