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The next day when the sunlight greeted Ayra, she woke up with an immense headache and pain all over her body. She slowly walked towards her bathroom and the sight in front of the mirror infuriated her. Yes she tolerated the abuse but she was not someone to be broken or self-pity herself. She was tolerating all this because of her agenda. She was not some broken damsel in distress, she was an enigma - she was a Reid and she’ll fight like a Reid till the end. Now more so as she was sure Ella fed her lies and her family never abandoned her.

With that she got dressed and went downstairs to make breakfast. When she came down, she saw Laila had returned and was engrossed in petty gossip with her mother. As usual Laila ignored her and Ella ordered, 
“My daughter is here, make sure to cook her favourite dishes today”. Ayra started making them quietly but one conversation made her straightened up. Laila complained to her mother, “Mom! I can’t take this anymore, I mean he doesn’t even notices me and you know where they are? They are here for some work and didn’t even tell me. Like I could have accompanied them. They know I visit here”. 

Hearing that, Ella jerked up, “What did you say? They are here? As in THE KINGS… AND WHY THE HELL DIDN’T YOU INFORM ME?”
Laila winced at the loud voice and replied, “I didn’t know until night and I thought of informing you to invite them for dinner but they already went to some small cafe'”. 

“Which cafe'? We don’t have standard places for them here to eat” questioned Ella confusedly. “Some Lorex I don’t know mom” Laila answered back in a dismissive voice. Ella froze hearing that. She suddenly got scared and sweaty. Slowly and gradually she turned towards Ayra and asked in a low and horrified voice, “Did you meet them Ayra? Tell me, did you see them?”. Ayra stilled but she didn’t turn to face Ella. “DID YOU FUCKING MEET THEM AYRA TELL ME YOU LITTLE BITCH” Ella yelled out in anger and distress. Ayra flinched and slowly turn to face Ella and in a soft voice replied, “No I didn’t, I’m the chef remember, I work in the kitchen”. Hearing that Ella slightly relaxed however she was still apprehended. Ella taunted in a condensing voice, “Well it won’t matter anyway, they were the ones who abandoned you.”
Laila snorted and added, “Like duh mom! Who would want a clingy annoying spoilt bitch. They are the Kings, they didn’t make an empire just like that. They know who to use and who to throw.”

Ayra smiled looking at Laila and said, “Of Course They are the kings! They exactly know who to use, who to throw and whom to ignore”. 
Laila gasped and exclaimed, “Mommy did hear what she said?!” Ella who was standing there became quiet as she understood what Ayra was trying to convey. Ella stood up and strided towards Ayra, slapped her hard and said, “Don’t you dare talk to my daughter like that!”. With that she went to her room, slammed the door and leaned towards it thinking ‘Ayra just spoke like a Reid and why won’t she, she was after all the sole heiress to not only Reid but The heiress of the top 3 mafia families’. 

Ayra hurriedly made breakfast and went out to the cafe to start her shift. 
When she entered the cafe', she saw Mels cleaning the tables and singing obnoxiously. “The customers would run away, Mels,” Ella playfully teased. Mels gasped out dramatically and said, “That’s rude Ri, you know back at my village I was known as Taylor Sw….. What the hell happened to your face?” Mels hurried towards her best friend with concern dripping from her face. “Did your aunt do this? Ohh I’m so done I won’t leave that sorry excuse of ass” 
Ayra sadly smiled and said, “She joined with Fernandez.” Mels shaked her head and said, “It’s enough Ri, I’m going to file a complaint against them. They are so over now don’t you dare stop me!”. Ayra grabbed her shoulder softly as shaked her head, “Not yet Mels, Not yet”. Mels deeply sighed and closed her eyes then changed the subject to lighten the mood of her innocent best friend. “Okay! Now when were you going to tell me about the Greek gods? Damn Ri I didn’t know you knew those dangerous men! Now start from the beginning, we have alot of time to open the cafe'”

Ayra told her about her past, her life back then and about the 4 best friends. Mels mouth was agape. She couldn't believe that her little innocent friend belonged to the richest family. “Wait hold up! You are Ayra Rose Reid as in Reid - the second most powerful and richest family in the world!!!”. Ayra hesitantly nodded and Mels continued, “And you were abandoned seven years ago? Don’t tell me your aunt told you were abandoned? And you seriously believed her? What is wrong with you?” Ayra nodded in sadness, “I am dumb am I not?” Mels snorted however she wasn’t impressed at all, “Damn straight you are dumb. Like dude those men yesterday!? They looked at you as if they could finally breathe, they kept looking at you as if you would disappear and don’t get me started on the tallest powerful man, who excluded so much power as if he could destroy anything. THAT MAN WAS FREAKING LOOKED VULNERABLE RI!”. Ayra said, “That’s Luca! He was the one I was closest to, we had a deep bond”. Ella wriggled her eyebrows, “Bond huh? Didn't look like only bond to me, it was more like soulmate shit”
Ayra blushed and said, “It isn’t like that”.

Mels smiled seeing her best friend blush and asked, “Are those 4 brothers?”. Ayra shakes her head and says, “No, Zander and Blake are brothers and Luca’s cousins. Aiden is Uncle Ethan’s son - Uncle Alex’s right hand man. Uncle Alex is Luca’s dad”. Mels nodded and laughed, “Sounds like mafia type, right hand man! Wouldn’t it be cliche if you turn out to be a mafia princess. OO HOW AWESOME WOULD IT BE!”. 
Ayra chuckled and said, “It is cliche Mels”. Mels laughing slowly paused and her eyes started widening, “Nooo Nooo Tell me it’s a joke Ri. Don’t tell me you are a mafia princess?”. Ayra stayed silent as her answer made Mels eyes widened, “You are really a mafia princess of the top 3 mafia families? Oh my god how is this possible? You are so innocent!”. Ayra smiled and said, “Don’t worry I was around any violence or anything. As I am the only girl, I was pampered a lot”. 

“Then why are you not going back home to Ri? This place is horrible for you. I mean yes I would miss my only friend but you deserve all the happiness and it’s clear you were so loved.” Mels worriedly said. Ayra nodded and said, “I have something to find and finish off before going and don’t worry I would take you with me”

On the other side

“Did you find out?” Damon questioned Zander. Zander gave a stink eye to Damon and said, “There is nothing I can’t find out, but yes our suspicion was right. It is Ella - Bella’s Aunt.” Damon nodded and his eyes darkened, “She was right under our nose and we missed it but not anymore. I will destroy Ella and her family until nothing is left of them. They started a dirty game seven years ago by taking my Amore from us, now I will end it soon. They know who we Kings really are.” 

Hearing this, Blake and Aiden nodded and questioned, “Should we inform Uncle Enzo and Uncle Alex?”. Damon shaked his head and said, “No! They would get too excited and may come here in an hour. Let’s surprise them”. Aiden nodded and chuckled, “I can’t wait to see them smile after so long and why won’t they. Their sunlight is coming home”. 

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