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Damon had his arms around Ayra, engulfing her tightly as they were cuddled up on his bed. His one hand was inside her shirt, drawing patterns on her waist while the other was in her smooth hair, lightly stroking them. After the confessions and heavy makeout, they shifted from the office to his room. They both had little smiles on their faces and both were lost in their thoughts about each other. It was a serene silence.

After a moment, Ayra whispered breaking the silence, " What are we now Luca? I mean.... am I - am I your girlfriend now?" Damon looked at her with a serious face and whispered back, caressing her cheeks, "No, you're not my girlfriend baby. I don't want you to be my girlfriend, girlfriend is not the right word for who you are to me. You are my future wife sweetheart. You are my world, my heart. If you want a label, you label yourself as mine. I'm gonna wife you up very soon baby." Ayra's eyes widened hearing another confession and her eyes became misty. Ayra bought her hand to his cheeks and traced her fingers lightly thinking out loud, "How did I became so lucky?" Luca took her hand which was on his face, kissed her palm and leaned into it saying, "I am the luckiest baby."

Their moment was disturbed when Damon's phone pinged. He grumbled and got up after seeing the message and said, "Come on baby, it's time for dinner. Zander just messaged me. We need to fill your tummy." Ayra nodded, feeling way too hungry and walked towards Damon who linked their hands together, and walked downstairs together.

When they arrived at the dining room, everyone was seated there including Damon's team, Cole, Rafael and Isabella. All of their eyes widened when they saw Damon holding hands with a girl, with Ayra. They were informed that the mafia princess was back but seeing her with Damon was indeed a sight.

Damon nodded at them while Ayra shyly waved before Damon made her sit besides him and started piling her plate with everything she wanted. The others, Alex, lorenzo, Zander, Aiden, Blake and Melanie were used to this so they also started eating while the remaining three were having a hard time due to the sight infront of them. Their boss, the dangerous mafia boss was serving someone else?!

Blake noticed the three and nudged them with his eyes to start eating. Alex broke the silence, "Cole, how's the shipment going for Morocco?" But before Coke could answer, Damon commanded while feeding Ayra a piece of sushi, "No business talks while eating." Zander shaked his head amused while the others gaped at him. Zander was seated besides Melanie and noticed she was picking on her sushi. She didn't like sushi but was too polite to leave it so Zander picked it up from her plate and kept chicken bites on her plate causing Melanie to gape at him with surprise. Zander ignored her and continued to eat.
Ayra whined abit, "Luca, I'm full. Not anymore." Damon scrunched his eyebrows and in a gentle voice said, "You just had 3 bites Love, atleast eat half the plate." Ayra reluctantly agreed.

Blake asked the three people, "Do we have a meeting scheduled?" Rafael replied, "No, but we had a few problems we wanted to discuss with Don." Blake nodded. Lorenzo who was deep in his thoughts finally spoke, "Princess! I want to discuss something with you." Ayra still eating, nodded in encouragement. Enzo took a deep breath and finally said, "I know it's not been long since you have come back but my empire and your mother's empire need a leader. I can't keep leading, you are the true heir of the Reids and Kinsley families. Both the families are expecting you to lead now that they know we have found you. I know it's  a big step but you need to step up to your role Ayra."

Ayra stopped eating while the others widened their eyes in surprise. They were surprised because Enzo never mentioned anything like that. Ayra was looking at her lap while fiddling with her fingers. Damon glared at Lorenzo and said, "This was not the time or moment to drop the bomb Enzo. She isn't ready for it. You never made her practice or anything for this role." Enzo nodded and said, "I know, I never wanted Ayra in this life but I'm being pressured by the families. They want my heir to lead."

Alex voiced out, "I can understand that Enzo but to lead, the leaders have to go through rigorous training like our four boys went through and you know the rules won't bend for Ayra." Enzo closed his eyes thinking about it, "then what can I do?"
Ayra spoke for the first time since the conversation started, "Make Luca lead them." Everyone snapped their heads at her. She continued in a timid voice, " papa, you know Luca since he was a child, you know him and think about it, if Luca leads all three Biggest mafia families, he would be invincible. No one would dare to attack us. No would kidnap anyone in our family. Right Luca?" Damon melted when he saw the fear in her eyes. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead whispering, "No one is going to take you away from me Sweetheart hmm." Ayra nodded slowly.

Blake whistled and said, "Damn! If Damon leads the 3 biggest mafia families, he would be the most powerful man in the world." Zander nodded  and said, "But it'll be difficult." Aiden shrugged him off and said, "Damon can handle this."

Everyone looked at Enzo who was staring at his daughter. He saw the fear in her eyes and knew she was still traumatized by her kidnapping and nodded, "If that's what my daughter wants. Damon will you lead the 3 families?" Damon looked at Ayra who joined her hands with his and give it a squeeze. He nodded looking at Enzo and said, "But whenever Ayra wants her birthright back, it will be hers no matter what." Enzo smiled hearing this and said, "I'll talk to the families and let you know."

Isabella questioned in confusion, "But Luca, wouldn't it be hard to manage?" The speed with which everyone snapped their necks to look at her with horror was astounding. Cole gaped at her and whisper yelled, "Are you fucking crazy.... Luca?" Isabella finally realizing what she said, widened her eyes in horror. She didn't mean it, she spoke without thinking and now Damon was glaring at her hard like he would kill her with his bare hands, woman or not.

The anger was rolling out of him like waves and everyone was holding their breaths even Melanie. But before Damon could kill the poor girl who was now shivering, Ayra cupped his face and made him look at her causing everyone to gasp out loud, and spoke in a firm yet softest voice, "Look at me Luca, it's okay. She mistakenly said it. It's completely alright okay. I'll tell her not to do it again. Calm down baby." Damon calmed down instantly when he felt her touch and the word 'Baby'. He melted then and there. Blake coughed and said, "Whipped" and both him and Aiden snickered making fun of their friend. Zander smirked and turned to Melanie who was looking at him frowning. He bobbed her nose with his knuckle and focused on his dinner.

When Ayra saw that Damon had calmed down, she looked at Isabella who was still shivering and said in a polite yet firm way, "Isabella, Only I can call him by his second name. No one can call him Luca except me so I would appreciate it if you'd be careful from now on." Isabella gaped at her and nodded almost immediately and in a timid voice replied, "I'm sorry, it was not my intention. I won't do it again." Ayra smiled at her and nodded. She looked at Damon again who was now looking at her with admiration and awe. She looked hella attractive commanding the room. She raised her eyebrow at him and he chuckled kissing her nose affectionately, causing her natural blush to arise.

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief and smiled looking at the power couple. One is dangerous, violent and demanding while the other is polite, sweet and commanding. Both have a way to make their points understood. Zander smirked and looked at Isabella while saying, "You got lucky." Isabella got flushed with embarrassment but now looked at Ayra with more respect than ever.

When they got done with dinner, Ayra and Melanie went out to take Zues and Zane out for a walk in the garden and Alex and Enzo went in the living room to play chess while the others walked in Damon's office to discuss business. Damon commanded, "Any news?" Cole nodded and said, "We found him. From our sources, he is still enslaved by the Solkos."
Damon's eyes darkened and he said, "Get the trope ready, let's finish this once and for all."

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