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After Ayra dozed off, Damon started working in his study. He immediately dismissed the idea of going downstairs, leaving his Ayra all alone. He massaged his head as he read an email regarding disturbance caused by a gang near one of his warehouses. He just got his peace and some unfortunate people are getting on his nerves. How people loves to anger him. Engrossed in work, he didn't hear the rustling of sheets and mumbling of his Amore which was getting loud after every second.

He rushed towards the room, gun in his hand, ready to protect his sweetheart from anything. When he opened the door, the sight in front of him made him weak.
His Love was thrashing in the bed, tears running down her unopened eyes and sweat covering her forehead. He hurriedly went near her, only to stop dead in his track.
"N-no, no.... please-e leave me. Some-someone help me. Noo do-don't touch-up me. No-o..."

Damon was horrified quickly grasping the fact that Ayra was having a nightmare and that too a horrible one. He wasn't a religious man but he prayed nothing of such had happened to her. He slightly shaked her shoulders in order to wake her up. He kissed her forehead and voiced out,    "Baby, Ayra you're safe. You're with me your Luca. Wake up baby please. "

Ayra woke up, gasping for air, clutching Damon in a tight grip. She instantly calmed down when his scent wafted through her nose and senses. She started sobbing, realizing that she had a nightmare of that night. Due to thinking, she started shivering. Damon clutched her tightly and made her sit on his lap, cradling her like a baby. He whispered soft nothings to soothe her rapid heartbeat. After 5 minutes, she calmed down and snuggled into his warmth, closing her eyes and leaning her forehead on his chest. Damon patted her head and with the other hand, he caressed her back.

When she calmed down completely,  Damon kissed her head multiple times and slowly backed up alittle to see her face. "Do you wanna talk about it sweetheart?" He asked soothingly. She shaked her head and mumbled in a raspy voice, " Later?" To which Damon nodded and said, "whenever you're ready baby". They stayed like this for awhile before Ayra backed up and voiced out that she wanted to shower first. He nodded and said, "I'll wait for you here, then we can go downstairs for dinner."

Damon leaned back towards the headboard and closed his eyes thinking about the pain Ayra might have gone through. He lived in a dark world where he knew these nightmares were the pigmentation of her memories and he felt helpless. When they were young, he promised to protect her yet he miserably failed and he felt dejected. He didn't know what to do. He just wanted to cradle Ayra in his arms and never let her go. He opened his eyes when he heard the door of the bathroom opening. There stood his Love, adorned in a his sweatshirt which went missing in the morning. His shirt was too big on her, draping like a dress which was why Ayra dismissed pants and wore short shorts which were invisible due to the length of the shirt.

Damon gulped seeing her bare legs. She was so gorgeous, her skin looked milky smooth where he wanted to run his hands on and squeeze to leave his marks. He stood up and stepped towards her, pulling her to him by her waist. She silently gasped when Damon nuzzled his head in her neck and pecked her there. "You're going to be the dead of me sweetheart." He rasped out slowly and slowly begin kissing her neck more. Giving in to his intrusive thoughts he bit her neck forcing a whimper out of Ayra and quickly soothed it by tracing his tongue on the area. He slowly made his way to her ears and nibbled on them, blowing air in her eyes, giving her a shiver. He smirked, loving the effect he had on her.

Ayra leaned his head, giving more space to him to work on. The pleasure she was feeling was out of the world. She didn't know this could feel so good. She unconsciously moaned out loud when Damon bit her neck again on the same area. Hearing the moan, he stilled. It was the most gorgeous sound he have heard in his life. He took deep breaths and leaned his forehead on hers. "You okay baby?" He asked still breathing deeply.  Ayra blushed and nodded her head. He kissed her forehead and took her in his embrace, not wanting to stop this moment.

Ayra, who was thinking about something since the morning hesitantly asked, "You will always be there for me Lu? You won't leave me again right?" Damon closed his eyes hearing this and clutched her tightly saying, "Never will I leave you again hmm. You had your chance to leave me but now I won't let you leave no matter what. You are stuck with me for life, till death do us apart."
She smiled, still in his embrace and teasingly said, "till death do us apart? What if someday I want to get married and live with my husband?"
Damon froze for a second and pulled back still holding her waist close to him and raised his eyebrows playfully, "And where did you get the memo that I'm gonna let you marry someone other than me?" Ayra's eyes widened and she said, "what do you mean?" He smirked and replied, "I think you're forgetting what we promised when we were kids sweetheart."

Ayra looked at him confused for a moment when suddenly her eyes widened more and her blush spread from her face to her neck making Damon melt. "Do you remember now baby?"

12 years ago
Little Ayra was playing with her crayons, trying to write a letter for her Luca. She heard the front door opening and the chaotic voices echoed in the house, announcing the arrival of the Kings. She ran with the paper clutched on her tiny fists towards the lounge where she saw Zander, Blake, Aiden and her Luca sitting on the sofa with Uncle Alex and her papa.

Hearing the small yet hurrid footsteps of the princess, they all looked to see little Ayra running in full speed towards them. Damon stood up and stepped towards her worried that she might fall and hurt herself, being how clumsy she is. "Love, slow down you're going to hurt yourself." Ayra being Ayra didn't listen and what Damon feared, happened. She tripped and fell down, causing tears to roll down her cheeks instantly. Damon rushed towards her and cradled her in his embrace whispering soft nothings to calm her down. Enzo and Alex also got up and fussed about how she could have hurt herself more.

Damon gently wiped her crocodile tears and cooed seeing her lower lips wobbling. "No baby, don't cry. You know I also hurt when you're hurt. My baby is the strongest right?" She innocently nodded and in a slow baby voice said, "you also get hurt Lu?" He nodded, " when you get hurt, I do too." She looked at him confused but when her gaze went to her painting, she forgot everything and hurriedly grapped it giving it to Luca.

Damon took it and smiled widely when he saw what was written on the paper.
'Deer Lu,
I lub u. Wil u Mary me?'

He looked at her and said, " You want to marry me sweetheart?" All the males sitting in the lounge stared shocked at the duo who were busy with each other. Ayra enthusiastically nodded' " I want to grow up and marry you Lu. Will you marry me ?" He laughed and said, "you sure you won't regret it in the future?" She shaked her head in a no so Damon kissed her forehead and said, "Then promise me that you will marry me when you grow up." Little Ayra smiled and joined her pinky with his saying, "Pinky promise Lu. I will marry you and you will marry me." Damon smiled and kissed there joined pinkies.

Ayra looked at him wide eyed and Damon was smiling watching her adorable reaction. "You can't undo a pinky promise baby. So keep it in your precious mind that you're mine hmm." Damon whispered possessively. Ayra stole her gaze from his and mumbled out, "we should go downstairs, everyone must be waiting for us." Damon smiled seeing her changing the subject and shaked his head amusingly.

He rested his hand on her waist and guided her downstairs to feed her belly. When they reached the dining room,  everyone were already settled waiting for them. Aiden saw then and exasperated, "finally the love birds are here. I was starving people!" Ayra blushed and settled on the chair which Damon pulled out besides him. She looked at everyone, and smiled seeing this sight which she missed so much. Not seeing Mels she questioned, "where's Mels?" To which Zander replied, "jet lag Bella, don't worry I'll make sure she is fed."

Ayra thanked him and looked to her plate to see Damon busy filling her plate with different delicacies. She smiled shaking her head when her gaze met Alex's. Alex warmly smiled at her said, "Let him do this sunshine, he have waited seven years and you just sit back, relax and enjoy, because I'm enjoying seeing The Dangerous Mafia King Damon being whipped."
Damon blankly stared at his father and said, "I'm not embarrassed if that's what you are planning to do. I can proudly say yes I am a whim or simp whatever you wanna call me but only for my Ayra." Everyone laughed at this while Ayra  blushed hard, still not used to Damon declaring his love and affection for her. However, she had an idea that she needs to get used to it.

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