The Reasons

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Win's POV

I couldn't process what Bright just said , he is ready to give up, that's easy I can give him 5 reasons but for some reason my heart is feeling sad for the fact that Bright may stop behaving like this and I know I have no right to be upset since I am the one who's asking him to stop in first place.

Okay , is all I could say to Bright after hesitating for a while I started listing my reasons to him

1. I am not sure about my feelings for you .

He had no expression on his face but then he nodded signalling me to continue..

2. Even if I do , I am not good enough for you . I am just an assistant manager yet who has no significant value in the society and people have eyes on you , I don't want them to judge you because of me .

3. I have trust issues and insecurities, everytime you are  in a series , you are going to be with someone else , going to hug them , kiss them and be affectionate to them , I know they will just be for the series  but I will always live in fear that one day you might find someone better and you might stop loving me , I will always need reassurance which will eventually become the reasons for disputes between us and why start something that already has an end.

4. I am jealous, possessive person , if I am with someone, I am all theirs and I want them to be all mine but you are a public figure, you have fans who love you and it's not right for me claim you all mine , and even if I want to I can't. There will never be just you and me , because you have a duty towards for your fans to fulfill and I don't think I could ever adjust to that life where I always have to share my partner with someone else .

5. You are so sweet to everyone so what's the difference between me and any other person. Since you are always nice & caring to everyone , how am I supposed to feel special and it adds to my insecurities and trust issues , if I myself is not comfortable than how am I supposed to love you with everything I have.

While I was talking he was just listening attentively, taking everything in. When I finished listing all these points, he was about to  react when we heard someone saying probably a fan 'Look it's Bright Vachirawit ^2 and in no time a big hurdle of his fans gathered around us , Bright stood up , smiled and greeted everyone. I stood from my seat , whispered in Bright's ears 'See this , proves my point ' and with that I walked away from the cafe.

Hey guys , what do you think are Win's reason valid ? I don't know how you all feel about these reasons but I personally think these reasons are really important, when you are dating someone superior to you , it's normal to feel kind of inferior.

Share your opinions please!!

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