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"Stop y/n" Dave tells you then sit down on the couch and then turn on the television completely ignoring you.

Lately you and Dave has had a lot of fights and sometimes you ended up taking a break but then a few days in he tells you not to leave him he loves you the feeling the same but only deeper for you. he says he loves you but not in love with you , he says he care for you but not about you, he says he'll change but has he?you can go on and on about the shit that he says but you'll still be with him.why?Because love is blind.

"Stop what?"you ask as you cross your arms and stand right in front of the TV."you act as if I'm a child stop this y/n stop that y/n or like I'm your hound dog oh do this y/n do that y/n. Dave I'm your girlfriend and you treat me like-"

"Shut up "he throws the remote to the wall and stands up "look y/n I've had enough of you alright I'm tired okay look where done and this time I mean it! "

You feel as if this is a real choice that you have to make leave or stay with a man that doesn't even care about you.He'll see you suffer so he can have success,see you lose to win,use you as a ladder so he can reach the top ? No not no more.

You can't even cry about it you guys done this so much that it's become a habit a very bad habit that you can't shake your head "its funny were breaking up because you just can't wash a dish "you put up one finger "one fucking dish "you shake you head.

"Im not coming back "you tell him then  push him out the way "move stupid ass "you roll your eyes then leave out the house.

Zac efron

"Stop zac " you yell as he continues to fight you with the pillow." your so annoying " he climbs on top of you and puts the pillow on your chest as he holds your hands to the side and lay on it.

" Am I ? " He laughs. " that was not what you where telling me yesterday. it was more along the lines of " he clears his throat " oh zac oh zac your so good your have like a black mans dick "

You start fidgeting and moving around " I wanna slap you so bad " you laugh " and what ? " You ask realizing  what He just said "I didn't say that you stereotype,Is that your wild dream to have a black mans dick?"

"No why would that-"

"Hey it's none of my business " You try to remove your hands from his grip " it seems personal "

" Hey don't turn this on me okay I was just playing and you probably had a lot of different types of dicks to know the stereo type "he laughs.

You look at him like he lost his damn mind like what the actual fuck ? " Get off me zac " you says sternly and mad as hell.

" What? Why ?"he ask.

" Did you not hear what the fuck you just said " you snatch one hand out and start hitting him " you " punch in the gut " fucking " slap in the face " jerk " a very good kick to the balls on purpose  by mistake.

He imidiatly lets my hands go to hold his balls. " fuck y/n" he lays his body on the bed while groaning.

" You really didn't hear what you said " you ask and then look at him and he shakes his head " well you said that I fucked enough fucking men to fucking no the different fucking type of fucking stereotypical dicks you fucking asswhole and I might've add lib some but who the fuck cares "

"Babe I'm sorry " he gets up and walks to you " come here give Zachary a big hug " before you can run he grabs you in a bear hug.

" I'm not sorry "you says then look at him." about your balls"

" Oh you well in the future once we can't have little marshmelo and libra James "he smirks and sits down with you on top of him.

" Really marshmelo and libra James ? See  this is why I can't have kids with you "

" You sure " before you can answer he takes your cheeks in his hand and kiss you.

Zac & Dave interracial preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now